Cold must also drink plenty of water and eat fruit

In the winter, you often drink less water because you are not thirsty and afraid to go to the toilet, also eat less fruit due to fear of cold and think that this kind of food is welding. This will reduce the immunity that is already weakened by the weather.

Picture 1 of Cold must also drink plenty of water and eat fruit Every day, the body must be provided with a balanced ratio of 4 groups of nutrients (protein, sugar, flour, fat) and vitamins, minerals. Drinking enough water is necessary because water accounts for nearly 75% of body weight and is often excreted from the body. However, in the winter of cold weather, many people are afraid to drink water and eat fresh fruits - a source of vitamins and minerals.

Every day we need to drink about 2 liters of water to compensate for the amount of water excreted in urine, sweat, breath . Water needs to be provided because it helps maintain the circulating volume of blood, creating a transport environment and metabolizing nutrients, regulating body temperature . Many people mistakenly think that water only produces sweat and heat, cooling the skin when it is hot, so it is not needed in the winter. In fact, we still need to drink enough water (the amount of water can be reduced compared to hot weather) so that the body can complete physiological functions. Lack of water will cause many disorders in the body, especially if too little drinking will cause kidney stones, constipation and consequently hemorrhoids.

Particularly for women, drinking enough water helps avoid constipation, smooth and beautiful skin. In the cold season, the skin is prone to dryness; if it lacks water, women find it hard to get fresh skin. We should diversify drinking water such as cooled boiled water, mineral water, tea, juice and drink enough water.

The body does not synthesize vitamins so it should be provided through food and drinking water. In theory, if we eat well and balance nutrients, we are not afraid of lack of vitamins. However, due to improper preservation and processing of food (such as overcooked vegetables, the loss of vitamin C), due to poor absorption of the gastrointestinal tract, we may still be deficient in food intake. vitamin. This risk is higher in dieters, past illness, elderly, pregnant or lactating women, taking birth control pills, growing babies, smokers, and alcoholics.

People who do not like to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, especially when it is cold, often lack vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for collagen formation, tissue repair in the body and participation in many metabolic reactions. In particular, vitamin C plays an important role in immune function, helping wounds heal and prevent colds. Thus, during the cold season, the body needs vitamin C. The point of not eating fresh vegetables in the cold season for fear of 'cold stomach' is not right. It is during the cold season that we are susceptible to colds, so we need to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables to increase resistance, maybe even more vitamin C supplements.