Detoxify the body

Picture 1 of Detoxify the body Poisoning stays everywhere, in the air, in food and drinking water. There are poisons because they pick themselves up. You have to know how to recognize poison and detoxify yourself.

And even in our own bodies in response to stress, everyday worries, the chaos of life has produced toxins. They attack us wherever you go.

Signs in people are poisonous

- Tired, tired so we can sleep anywhere: on the desk or on the bus.

- Constipation despite reasonable eating, rich in fiber.

- Abdominal dyspepsia.

- Skin becomes bad, pale, dull, pimples, rashes.

- Headache, difficulty concentrating.

- Muscle pain.

- Depending on people will have different toxic symptoms. Some people have constipation, but some people have bloating and indigestion.


The detoxification program is simple through diet, lifestyle changes as well as using some natural or supplemental therapies.

- Full and diverse diet.

- Consume as much food as possible with nutritional value.

- Fiber like fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals. Fiber plays an important role in the detoxification process because they help the laxative intestine expel toxins.

- Foods of natural origin, from plants.

- Limit foods of animal origin, limiting fat.

- Avoid heavy caffeine (found in coffee, tea, chocolate and cola).

- Avoid using addictive substances, preservatives and prepared foods.

- Drink filtered water and herbal tea.

Fasting is the fastest way to remove toxins. However, there must be instructions and follow-up of the doctor to avoid serious deficiency.

Rest and exercise reasonably. Need to coordinate well, reasonable balance between rest and movement time. Do not try to exercise too much, nor lazy to sit still.

Supplement vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are important to help the body eliminate toxins, while supporting the liver to perform the detoxification function. Vitamins and minerals support liver detoxification mechanisms such as B vitamins, antioxidants and some herbs