Drink smoothes skin

Papaya milk is a cool, delicious drink, suitable for people with physical weakness, dry skin. Honey lemon juice works to protect hot skin and pimples. Water is the main component of every cell and organ in the body. In it, the skin is

Picture 1 of Drink smoothes skin
Papaya milk is a cool, delicious drink, suitable for people with physical weakness, dry skin. Honey lemon juice works to protect hot skin and pimples.

Water is the main component of every cell and organ in the body. In particular, the skin is the largest and very sensitive part. Lack of water, skin will be dry, not smooth, reduce elasticity, wrinkles appear.

Cool boiled water, tea, mineral water is essential for the skin's nutrition. It is better to use skin care beauty drinks that are below some common but very effective drinks that can be used daily:

Tomato juice is a cheap, popular drink with high nutritional value for skin. Choose red ripe tomatoes without black stains, wash, cut into small pieces. Take a large spoon to squeeze out water and filter it with a cloth, remove the residue. Thus, there was fresh, nutritious and delicious tomato juice. When drinking, can add a little boiled water to cool, no added sugar.

Picture 2 of Drink smoothes skin
Chicken custard contains a large amount of protein, B group vitamins, and vitamin C, so it is especially effective in skin care. Using fresh milk requires boiling. For overweight and obese people, use nonfat dry milk powder. In the cold season, normal milk powder can be used. Whole chicken eggs are peeled, beat up until completely dissolved in milk to avoid fishy smell and prevent indigestion. When mixing, should the amount of milk to drink all at once, not for long.

Papaya milk is a cool, delicious drink, suitable for people with physical weakness, dry skin. Take a slice of fresh, ripe papaya, cut into small pieces and place in a cup of milk. If fresh milk is not available, powdered milk can be used. Add some honey, some boiled water to cool and add to the blender. You can also use a knife and a spoon to remove papaya. When finished, drink immediately.

Honey lemon juice works to protect the skin, often for people with dry skin, pimples, hot skin. Take a fresh lemon, wash it, cut it in half, squeeze the juice and add some honey, cold water or ice, stir well. May use several times a day.

Green bean soup , if used regularly, will make the skin more beautiful and smooth. Take about 100-200 g green beans and 50-100 g to clean, put in water, boil for a few minutes and then simmer for about 20 minutes. When drinking, add less honey or alum sugar. Green beans have the effect of cooling, detoxifying, refreshing, so it has the effect of whitening skin. The intention is to reduce white fibrous spots on the face. People with oily acne have many blackheads if they drink a lot of green beans, the idea may bring about an unexpected result.

Longan juice is used to strengthen kidneys, add blood, cure insomnia, help skin smooth, often used for people with poor performance. Put about 50-100 g of dry label in the water, boil and add a little sugar so that it is very good, the sweetness is very little to keep the deliciousness of longan. You can drink warm, hot longan, as you like.

Almond milk provides long-term effects in skin care. Add two teaspoons of almond powder to a cup of milk powder and stir. Depending on taste, you can add some sugar or honey to increase the flavor. Almonds have a whitening effect.

Buckwheat milk is an interesting, nutritious and delicious breakfast. Take two large tablespoons of buckwheat flour into a cup of warmed milk, stir well. The effect increases if the boil is boiled up and then drunk at warm time. Buckwheat milk contains many vitamins and minerals suitable for tired, anorexic, dry skin. This drink is very popular with middle-aged women and people with intestinal diseases.

Radish juice whitens and smoothes skin. Take about a pound of fresh radish, rinse it, grind it. Drink 2-3 glasses of fresh radish juice every day for several months continuously to improve the skin. Fresh radish juice is suitable for dark, dry skin.

Update 14 December 2018



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