El Nino is strong record, this winter is warm

2015 El Nino lasted the longest in the last 60 years, making this year's winter temperature higher, rainfall across the country plummeting compared to the average of many years.

2015 El Nino lasted the longest in the last 60 years, making this year's winter temperature higher, rainfall across the country plummeting compared to the average of many years.

This winter's temperature is higher due to the influence of El Nino

According to climate forecasting centers around the world , El Nino 2015 (anomalous warming of surface seawater in the central and eastern Pacific equator) will reach the intensity of El Nino. strong record in 1997-1998. In addition, the great El Nino ability will take place until the end of the year and lasts until spring 2016.

Thus, in addition to strong intensity, this phenomenon will also become one of the longest El Nino in about 60 years, since the detailed monitoring of ENSO phenomenon (ie the coordination of activities between two phenomena of El Nino and La Nina occur in the ocean and in the atmosphere - fluctuating in the Southern hemisphere.

Picture 1 of El Nino is strong record, this winter is warm

Snow falls in Sa Pa in early January 2015.

The central hydro-meteorological center said that, due to the impact of El Nino, the winter this year was warm , less cold than the year. From now to the beginning of 2016, the temperature in the whole country tends to be higher than the average temperature of many years from 0.5 to 1.5 degrees C. The main months in the middle of winter (December 2015 to February 2016) ), higher temperatures, cold, and cold are unlikely to last. However, long-term episodes may occur about 4-7 days.

From now to the end of the year, there will be about 6-7 storms and tropical depressions operating in the East Sea, of which 2-3 will directly affect the mainland of Vietnam. El Nino also caused a sharp decrease in rainfall in regions throughout the country, causing local water shortage in the North and Central regions; drought comes earlier in the Central Highlands and South Central; Flood peaks in rivers in the South are lower than in every year.

In the North , the rainfall will be lower every year, causing the flow on the rivers to be affected, causing a shortage of local water, especially in the high mountains in the North and Midlands in the North will be seriously deficient.

Picture 2 of El Nino is strong record, this winter is warm

Hundreds of hectares of tea from the people of Huong Khe (Ha Tinh) dried up because of drought.

In the Central Highlands, South Central Coast and Binh Thuan , rainfall will be short of about 50% compared to the yearly one, making the rainy season likely to end soon. Some rivers in the South Central Coast are less than 60% missing. Therefore, right in the first months of the dry season next year, Central and Central Highlands will experience drought and water shortage and occur earlier than every year.

In the South, the flood peaks in the rivers will be lower than the annual. The total volume of upstream flow of Me Kong to the Mekong Delta region is inadequate compared to the annual average of 20% to 40%. The year of saline intrusion in Nam Bo estuary will be higher, earlier than the same period of the previous dry season.

Since the beginning of the year, Vietnam has recorded many unusual weather phenomena. In January in Sa Pa, snow and ice rains appear, the lowest temperature drops to just over 1 degree Celsius, there are places like Sin Ho (Lai Chau) down to -0.3 degrees C. In May, with two waves record heat, peaking from 28-30 May, the highest temperature in many northern and central provinces exceeded historical values.

Update 16 December 2018



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