Find new dinosaurs with relatives of tyrants

Scientists have found fossils of a new carnivorous dinosaur on Wales beach, in the UK. It was identified as a relative to Tyrannosaurus rex (T-rex), a giant carnivorous dinosaur that dominated the Cretaceous.

Scientists have found fossils of a new carnivorous dinosaur on Wales beach, in the UK. It was identified as a relative to Tyrannosaurus rex (T-rex), a giant carnivorous dinosaur that dominated the Cretaceous.

New dinosaurs have relatives with tyrants

Fossils date back about 200 million years, to the early Jurassic period. This is the first carnivorous dinosaur found in Wales and may also be the dinosaurs that appeared the earliest Jurassic.

Picture 1 of Find new dinosaurs with relatives of tyrants

New dinosaur illustration - (Daily Mail screenshot)

Specimens consist of razor-sharp bones, claws and teeth. Because its bone size is not large, scientists believe that the dinosaur is small, not yet grown up.

Paleontologist Cindy Howells of the National Museum of Wales with the help of experts from Portsmouth University and Manchester University analyzed the samples. They identify it as a theropod of the dinosaurs , along with the tyrant dinosaur. The research process is still in progress. Soon, scientists will name new dinosaurs.

Picture 2 of Find new dinosaurs with relatives of tyrants

Fossils of new dinosaurs - (Daily Mail screenshot)

The animal is about 2 m tall, the body structure is slim, moving quickly and has a long tail to balance. It possesses sharp claws and teeth, showing that the food is mainly insects, mammals and some reptiles.

Fossils are currently being kept at the national museum in the city of Cardiff. They are found in Vale of Glamorgan beach area, southern Wales, after a storm in 2014.

Two fossil discoverers are brothers Nick and Rob Hanigan. Instead of selling money, they generously donated it to the museum for research and display to the public. Everyone is allowed to enter the museum of liberty, according to Wales Online.

Update 17 December 2018



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