How to reduce uric acid naturally?

Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs when blood uric acid levels are abnormally high. Uric acid forms crystals in the joints, usually in the feet and big toes, causing severe swelling and pain.

Gout (or Gout) is a form of arthritis that occurs when blood uric acid levels are abnormally high. Uric acid forms crystals in the joints, usually in the feet and big toes, causing severe swelling and pain.

Some people need medication to treat gout, but changing diet and lifestyle can also help. Reducing uric acid may reduce the risk of gout and may even prevent subsequent outbreaks in people with this disease.

However, the risk of gout depends on many factors, not just lifestyle, so talk to your doctor about the best gout prevention strategies.

Picture 1 of How to reduce uric acid naturally?

Reducing the amount of beer and alcohol can reduce the risk of gout.

Here are 8 natural ways to reduce uric acid levels:

1. Limit purine-rich foods

Purin is a natural compound found in some foods. When the body breaks down purines, it produces uric acid. The conversion of purine-rich foods can lead to gout because it causes the body to produce too much uric acid.

Some foods contain lots of purines but are good for health, so the goal should be to reduce the amount of purines rather than completely avoiding them.

Foods with high purine content include:

  • Wild meat, like deer (deer)
  • Salmon, tuna, cod, sardines, anchovies, mussels and herring
  • Wine, including beer and wine
  • High-fat foods, such as bacon, dairy products and red meat (including veal)
  • Visceral meat, for example, liver and spleen
  • Food and sugar drinks

Moderate purine foods include:

  • Ham
  • Most other meats, including ham and beef
  • Poultry
  • Oysters, shrimp, crabs and lobsters

2. Eat more foods with low purine content

By switching from purine-rich foods to low-purine foods, some people can gradually reduce their uric acid levels or at least avoid adding them. Some foods with low purine content include:

  • Low-fat and non-fat dairy products
  • Peanut butter (peanuts) and most nuts have hard shells
  • Most fruits and vegetables
  • The coffee
  • Whole grain rice, bread and potatoes

Simply changing your diet will not rule out gout, but they can help prevent outbreaks. It is also important to note that not everyone with gout will eat a high purine diet.

Other factors, such as genetic engineering, also play a role. African Americans are more susceptible to disease than whites. Menopausal women and obese people are also at higher risk.

3. Avoid drugs that increase uric acid

Some medications may increase uric acid, including:

  • Diuretics, such as furosemide (Lasix) and hydrochlorothiazide
  • Immunosuppressive drugs, especially before or after organ transplants
  • Low dose aspirin

However, medications that increase uric acid may have essential health benefits, so talk to your doctor before changing any medications.

4. Maintain a healthy weight

Normal weight can help reduce the risk of gout. Obesity increases the risk of gout, especially in younger people.

Being overweight also increases your risk of metabolic syndrome. It can increase blood pressure and cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. While these effects themselves are harmful, being overweight is also associated with a higher risk of increased uric acid in the blood, increasing the risk of gout.

Rapid weight loss, especially due to fasting, can increase uric acid. Therefore, focus should be on implementing long-term sustainable changes to control weight, such as more active movement, a balanced diet and a choice of nutritious foods.

5. Avoid drinking alcohol and sugary drinks

High consumption of alcohol and sugary drinks - like carbonated soft drinks and soft drinks - is associated with an increased risk of gout.

Alcohol and soft drinks also add unnecessary calories to the diet, which can cause weight gain and metabolic problems.

6. Drink coffee

Some studies show that people who drink coffee are less likely to suffer from gout. For example, a 2010 data analysis from women in Nursing Health Research showed that the risk of gout decreased when coffee consumption increased.

Women who drank 1 to 3 cups of coffee a day had a 22% lower risk of gout than those who did not drink coffee. Women who drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day reduce their risk of getting this condition by 57%.

Some studies have also linked coffee consumption to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. A review of 2014 and a comprehensive analysis of long-term coffee consumption showed that those who drank 3-5 cups of coffee a day had the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease.

Because people with gout are at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, drinking coffee may help improve general health.

However, coffee increases the risk of chronic kidney disease and the possibility of fractures in women, so discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

7. Try supplementing vitamin C

Taking vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of gout. A 2011 meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials showed that vitamin C significantly reduced uric acid levels in the blood.

Decreased levels of uric acid may reduce the risk of acute gout attacks. However, research has not proven that vitamin C treats or prevents gout - it only lowers uric acid levels.

8. Cherry fruit (cherry)

Preliminary research shows that cherry may reduce the risk of gout attacks, especially in people with a medical history.

A 2012 study of 633 people with gout showed that eating cherries for 2 days reduced the risk of acute gout attacks by 35% compared to not eating.

This effect persists even when controlling for risk factors, such as age, gender, alcohol consumption and diuretic use or anti-gout medications.

Among those who also used allopurinol, an anti-gout, the combination of cherries and cherries reduced the risk of gout by 75%.


Gout is a painful disease that often occurs along with other serious conditions. Although a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of acute gout attacks, it may not be enough to treat the disease.

Some people with a balanced diet still suffer from gout, and not all people who eat high-purine diets develop gout symptoms.

Medications may help relieve pain and may prevent the risk of future gout attacks. People can talk to their doctor about their symptoms and ask for advice on the most beneficial lifestyle changes.

  • Gout: Causes, symptoms and treatment
  • How to limit the terrible pain caused by gout
Update 08 June 2019



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