Long live thanks to the

A book that has just concluded the style of eating Okinawa (the name of the famous island in Japan with the rate of 33 people over 100 years old / 100 inhabitants). Accordingly, unsaturated meals with vegetables, cereals, fish, oysters, skinless meat and tea will help you

A book that has just concluded the style of eating Okinawa (the name of the famous island in Japan with the rate of 33 people over 100 years old / 100 inhabitants). Accordingly, unsaturated meals with vegetables, cereals, fish, oysters, skinless meat and tea will help you "immortality".

The world-famous island of Okinawa's longevity record belongs to the Ryukyu Islands between Japan and Taiwan. With about 1.27 million people here, the most common social diseases such as obesity, cancer, osteoporosis, complications, cardiovascular disease are almost pushed back.

Picture 1 of Long live thanks to the

Cereals used in the Okinawa diet.(Photo: Sante-az.aufeminin)

This phenomenon of course caught the attention of scientists. Japan's Ministry of Health sponsored a research program in 1976 about hundred years old in Okinawa. When studying hundreds of Okinawan people in their 70s, 80s, 90s, and 100s, scientists concluded that having a good health and longevity is not entirely due to a special genetic factor. Anyway, it is due to the life mode and reasonable food source.

A rational diet called Okinawa was published in "Le rimeime Okinawa" (author Anne Dufour and Laurence Wittner). According to this book, eating today does not meet the needs of the body (not including sedentary habits and bad habits). Okinawan people, for many generations, have been able to preserve food sources in accordance with their lifestyle and activities, with rich natural foods.

Okinawa eating principle:

1. Never eat too full, even to feel a little lacking. Eating only 80% of demand has become a culture of Okinawa.

2. Eating foods low in calories, but rich in vitamins and minerals. Okinawans often eat low calorie foods (calories calculated on 100 grams of food) about 75-150 cal / 100g, or less than about 75cal / 100g. Detail:

- Cereals and grains containing starch: grain, wheat, hard wheat, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes .

- Vegetables: almost all types, especially cucumbers.

- Fruit: almost eliminating dried fruits such as grapes, apricots, figs, dates . or oily fruits such as pecans, hazelnuts, peanuts, pine nuts and peanuts .

- Fish and shellfish: all kinds of fish are thin (with little omega 3 fatty acids), shellfish and shrimp .

- Animal products: poultry (not caustic), eggs, horse meat, minced beef about 5% mg.

- Cheese and dessert: fruit salad, jam, natural yogurt, fresh cheese .

3. Eat 7 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. They are very good for health because they bring in many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, high fiber, water supply .

4. Eat 7 servings of cereal with bran or dried vegetables every day and add 2 price items rich in sugar, vitamins, fiber, and protein . Grains are richer in nutrients than refined ones like white wheat, White rice, bread.

5. Eat lots of spices, herbs and algae.

In addition to flavor, herbs also bring in many vitamins and minerals. Spices bring resistance to infection and prevent cholesterol oxidation. Algae also help with minerals, high in fiber, rich in vitamins, antioxidants and anti-natural cholesterol boosters.

6. Eat fish 3 times a week. Fish is an important food of animal origin in Okinawa. But the Okinawans mainly chose thin fish, and processed fish into thin slices and ate fresh, bare fish through boiling water or baked.

7. Eat less products from other animals such as meat and dairy products. They eat on average 18 times less meat and 3 times less dairy products than Europeans. They appreciate protein from vegetables because these proteins do not include fat, vegetables contain many special, rich and beneficial substances such as tannins, polyphenols, phytosterols .

8. Drink less alcohol

9. Less sugar and salt. Industrial products such as candy and cakes are very rare in Okinawa. Islanders eat 3 times less sugar than Europeans. Using herbs, spices and algae helps spice up the dish and also helps reduce salt.

10. Drink plenty of water and tea. Water is an essential element for the body, besides water also helps to eliminate residues in the body, providing water for cells.

Update 14 December 2018



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