Looking for relatives on Wesite the British - American population

Ancestry.com has just completed digitizing the entire US population statistics from 1790 to 1930 with a total of 5 billion names entered.

Picture 1 of Looking for relatives on Wesite the British - American population
Ancestry.com has just completed digitizing the entire US population statistics from 1790 to 1930 with a total of 5 billion names entered.

The entire Ancestry.com staff used a total of 6.6 billion man-hours to learn and enter data from 13 million demographic archives that the archives of America has saved since the founding of the country until now.

Tim Sullivan, chief executive of Ancestry.com, said: ' We had to consult millions of news sources around the world before building this huge project. Through simple but effective search tools on Ancestry.com, people can discover lots of extremely interesting things '.

Ancestry.com website is designed specifically for Americans with immigrant origins from every country in the world. The website www.ancestry.co.uk is designed exclusively for genuine British people with full statistics on population in all regions of the UK from the early 18th century to the present.

Ancestry.com 's information retrieval tool is very detailed. Users in the United States, UK can search for someone's name by name, year of birth, year of death, immigrant country, state of residence, city, county . You just need to type in the search box a surname popular among Vietnamese people, for example, NGUYEN, you can also find many Vietnamese people whose Nguyen family has died in the US, UK .

Ancestry.com website will be free for all users within half a month, from June 26, then will start charging users for a fee of 12.95 USD / month for registered users to follow. year and $ 29.95 / month for members using monthly.


Update 12 December 2018



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