NASA announces UFO-shaped video changes itself

Video of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in mission to take NASA astronaut astronaut in 1969.

The video released by NASA could prove that alien life is watching people, according to the Daily Star.

Video of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in mission to take NASA astronaut astronaut in 1969.

The video revealed a moment when astronauts announced the discovery of UFOs with an underground control center.

In the video, UFOs change shape as if to deceive people's attention. The control center must then direct the story to another issue to avoid the possibility of astronauts forgetting their mission.

However, this astronaut still stared intently at the UFO because he thought this might be something important.

This information comes as a company in the United States has taken a lie test on the astronauts' claims to see UFOs. The results showed that they were telling the truth.

July 20, 1969, brought three American astronauts, Michael Collins and flew into the Moon's orbit. Armstrong and Aldrin are the first two people to set foot on the Moon.

Picture 1 of NASA announces UFO-shaped video changes itself

NASA astronauts joined the mission to explore the Moon in 1969.

Later, Buzz Aldrin talked a lot about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the existence of aliens.

To decipher these mysteries, recordings from interviews with Buzz Aldrin and several astronauts were analyzed in a "lie detector" test.

The test was conducted by the Institute of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (IBB) in the US to confirm the astronaut's story.

The test mainly focused on Mr. Aldrin's account of an "L-shaped" object that the astronaut and his Apollo colleagues were seen seeing when they reached the Moon in 1969.

Aldrin said he saw a UFO while on his way to the Moon : "There's something outside. It's close enough to see it with an L-like shape."

Update 18 December 2018



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