New research shows: Venting anger does not make us less angry

Vent your anger while you're there

Venting when you're "mad" may seem reasonable, but new research shows that venting doesn't calm us down and sometimes makes us angrier.

A research team at Ohio State University, USA, analyzed 154 studies on anger, finding little evidence that venting anger can help relieve anger . In some cases, it can also increase anger.

Picture 1 of New research shows: Venting anger does not make us less angry

Yoga can help reduce anger - (Photo: AFP).

"I think this is really important to dispel the misconception that if you're angry, you should vent. Venting sounds like a good idea, but there's no scientific evidence to support this theory " , ScienceAlert website quoted Mr. Brad Bushman - one of the study's authors, as saying.

This also doesn't mean that anger should be ignored. Reflection can help us understand why we are "mad" , thereby solving underlying problems. 

It can also support emotional validation - an important first step to healthy emotional regulation. Meanwhile, venting often goes beyond reflection (positive thinking) and becomes rumination (negative thinking).

A total of 10,189 people participated in the 154 studies on anger mentioned above. They represent a variety of ages, genders, cultures and ethnicities. 

The research team found that the main key to controlling anger is to reduce physiological arousal from anger itself or from other beneficial physical activity that has the potential to reduce arousal.

Bushman said jogging when angry is not an effective strategy for reducing agitation. Effective anti-stimulation activities include yoga, meditation, stretching, deep breathing, meditation or counting to 10, ball sports and fun activities.

The research was inspired by "rage rooms" - places where people pay to destroy things in the hope of venting their anger. The research team advises that instead of venting anger, people should find ways to reduce anger using the effective strategies mentioned above .

Update 14 April 2024



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