Poetry is fun about the secret of choosing a wife

Getting married should abstain from taking a young wife, going to the street who knows you or your child ...

Getting married should abstain from taking a young wife, going to the street who knows you or your child .

Funny poems about how to choose a wife

Abstain from getting a young wife:

Getting married should abstain from taking a young wife

Go to the street who knows you or your child

Little girl asking for gold

Sell ​​the altar to buy chalk!


Getting married should get a young wife

The hair swells smooth and slender waist

Bright eyes, pink lips, fresh skin

Support money to buy the lipstick!

Picture 1 of Poetry is fun about the secret of choosing a wife

Abstaining from an old wife:

Getting married should abstain from getting married

Come to the street, who knows your sister or grandmother

My two-and-a-half births shriveled

Cheeks, bone, sick like ghosts!


Get married, please marry an old wife

I know the story near and far

If I am lost, I remind you

That's good for you too!

Update 16 December 2018



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