Punishing a corner or facing the wall affects the child's brain?

Education experts are challenging the method of teaching children to time-out, teach children not to be violent, such as standing in the corner or facing the wall.

Education experts are challenging the method of teaching children to time-out, teach children not to be violent, such as standing in the corner or facing the wall. Its original meaning is to adopt some way for the children to calm down, think about their behavior.

For many years, this is a way that parents regularly use to educate their children.

However, a recent article in Time magazine said that the "time-out" order of parents would hurt children emotionally, harming their brain development.

Therefore, we need to be aware of the following to make reasonable use of this type of education.

1. New repetitive actions can affect a child's brain

Picture 1 of Punishing a corner or facing the wall affects the child's brain?

Penalty against the wall is a way parents often use to educate their children.

Therefore, time-out should not be considered the first and only method to teach children.

First, you need to clearly define what purpose you make the children stand for. After understanding this, you find a few other methods to have many options.

2. When you punish corner-stand children, you need to remember the following

Penalties for standing despite being called punishment, but the goal is not to punish the children but to leave the children calm in that situation.

However, some say that 3-year-olds are not aware enough to calm themselves down. So for them to stand in a corner, "isolate" them is to convey a message like this: Only when you do well can you love your parents.

3. Time-out is for kids or for parents?

Experts say that in many cases, time-out brings benefits to parents no less than children.

Sometimes, after you've done everything (bribing, intimidating, ignoring), you feel like you're going to be crazy. Now you have only two tools left: one is shouting at the children, the other is time-out.

Update 15 December 2018



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