Surprise with the dishes that can make you feel bloated

You will be surprised when broccoli, apples, cereals and yogurt are also on this list of foods that cause bloating and bloating.

You will be surprised when broccoli, apples, cereals and yogurt are also on this list of foods that cause bloating and bloating.

Dairy products such as cheese or cow's milk can cause digestive problems, especially if you are sensitive or unable to metabolize lactose - a naturally occurring sugar in dairy products.

Vegetables of broccoli - White cauliflower, broccoli, kale are all in the mustard family. These vegetables have good nutrients like folate, vitamin C and fiber, even they help prevent cancer. However, they also contain raffinose, a white crystalline sugar that the body cannot digest due to a lack of a certain enzyme. Instead, raffinose is stimulated by bacteria, the leading cause of flatulence.

Picture 1 of Surprise with the dishes that can make you feel bloated

Vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family contain raffinose, raffinose is stimulated by bacteria, the leading cause of flatulence.

Foods high in sodium (salt) - Most of us tend to eat more salt than the recommended daily intake. The body reacts to eating too much salt by holding water. Canned and processed foods, prepared sauces often have high sodium.

Alcoholic drinks - Just like foods that are high in sodium, alcoholic drinks can also keep your body hydrated, causing bloating. Moreover, drinking a lot of drinks can make you constipated, causing many people to feel bloated.

Watermelon - It is hard to believe that watermelon has anything bad for the body because it is mainly water. However, watermelons contain a lot of fructose, a natural sugar that produces the sweetness of fruit. Many people cannot absorb fructose, which explains why watermelon can lead to bloating.

Legumes - Peas or soybeans are rich in fiber and protein, which are good for health, but they are also difficult to digest. Our bodies also have difficulty absorbing fiber in beans, which can cause bloating and bloating.

Picture 2 of Surprise with the dishes that can make you feel bloated

Legumes are rich in fiber and protein, so they are difficult to digest.

Yogurt - This depends on which yogurt you eat. If it is white yogurt, it is really good for your stomach because it has many beneficial bacteria and is good for digestion. However, if you eat more yogurt with high sugar content, the fermentation in your stomach will be more, causing you to feel bloating and bloating.

Grains - Fructan rye and wheat, a type of carbs that many people often find difficult to digest.

Carbonated drinks - Bubbles in these drinks can make your stomach inflate.

Onions - Surprise? Onions contain many carb. More specifically, it has one type of carb like cereals, which is fructan. Fructan is not only difficult to absorb but also leads to a lot of water in the intestines, causing bloating.

Natural sweeteners - Many people use natural sweeteners because they have no calories. But calories are not all. Natural sweeteners like xylitol and sorbitol all take a long time to digest.

Popcorn - Not having anything special in this popular snack can cause bloating. It is simply that the amount of popcorn that most of us eat will make the stomach swell more than usual. Some popcorn must be equivalent to 3-4 cups of flour.

Picture 3 of Surprise with the dishes that can make you feel bloated

The amount of popcorn that most of us eat will make the stomach swell more than usual.

Sugarless gum usually contains natural sweeteners that can cause bloating and bloating. Besides, chewing a lot of chewing gum is also not good for the stomach because then you will swallow a lot of air.

Apples - Another surprise, but in fact, apples contain 3 types of substances that cause bloating and bloating: fiber, fructose and sorbitol. Other fruits also contain sorbitol, peaches, fresh plums and prunes.

Coffee is a diuretic drink but also increases stomach acid, so it can lead to bloating in sensitive people. If you have difficulty tolerating lactose, adding milk to coffee will even make the situation worse.

  • The food should and should not be eaten when the stomach is full
  • How to deal with bloating and indigestion
Update 11 August 2019



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