Symptoms of 5 common skin diseases in the summer

Skin diseases that are common in the summer are not severe but progress quickly in humid environments and superinfection when unsanitary.

Skin diseases that are common in the summer are not severe but progress quickly in humid environments and superinfection when unsanitary.

Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Duy Hung, the National Dermatology Hospital, said that our country is located in the tropics and the summer is hot and humid with increasing environmental pollution.

Hot weather causes sweat to secrete much, dirt clings to our skin with many pathogenic microorganisms so summer is often a season or skin diseases. Common skin diseases in the summer such as folliculitis, pimples, in which superficial fungal infections of the skin are most common.


Picture 1 of Symptoms of 5 common skin diseases in the summer

Expression of folliculitis.(Photo: Mydermatologist).

The disease can occur in all areas of skin with body hair. Manifestations are papules, pustules, spots and scabs in the neck of hair follicles. Infection can spread deeper than the entire hair follicle such as hair folliculitis. When an abscess hair follicle has become a boil, it is worse than a boil or inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue.

Contact dermatitis due to sunlight

The disease is related to sun allergy, often on people with allergic sites. The manifestation of the disease is that after going to the sun, the skin rash, roughness, scratching, the rash spreads even more. The most common location is open skin in the neck, arms and legs.


This is a phenomenon of pus infection and necrosis caused in hair follicles caused by golden staphylococcus. Boils can occur anywhere on the body. Some special areas when boils are very dangerous, such as the area around the mouth, is often called a beard. It is a malignant staphylococcal infection, which can complicate very dangerous sepsis or sinus vein thrombosis.

Some cases of boils are concentrated in clusters of boils and often in the back, when these boils break down leaving pus leaks. This is a severe manifestation of boils that can endanger the lives of patients.

In addition, potholes are boils that appear in the armpits. These are hard boils, long-lasting ulcers because the armpits are always wet. The disease is very recurring.

Picture 2 of Symptoms of 5 common skin diseases in the summer

Pimples in the face around the nose are very dangerous.(Photo: G azettereview).

Heat rash

Chrome is often clustered, large patches in the skin areas excrete a lot of sweat such as chest, back, forehead ., sometimes even in large interstitial areas such as armpits, groin, even body.

Manifestations are pink red papules, with small blisters or white pustules mixed. The skin is inflamed so the patient (usually a child) has an uncomfortable feeling of itching and itching. At that time, the more scratching, the more likely it is that the skin will be susceptible to bacterial infection.

The favorable conditions for chrome appear to be high temperature, hot and humid microclimate, no ventilation, children wear mysterious clothes, less washing.


This is a very common skin disease in our country. The disease can manifest under a lot of different images. Symptoms may appear in many places such as skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. The three most common forms of fungal skin diseases are foot, groin and trunk.

Foot fungus is more common in men, less common in women. Severe cases may cause superinfection of bacteria with pustules, pus, swelling of the feet, fever.

Trisomy usually occurs in hot weather, in summer, when sweating often or wearing wet clothes. Lesions are common in the thighs of the thighs. They are round spots, the edges have vesicles, the center is less vesicular.

Lesions caused by fungi have different sizes, weights and depths depending on the location of each person and different fungal strains. Hong ban is limited in shape of round, oval, vesicles at the edge, healthy center. The patient is itchy when it is sunny, sweating.

Update 15 December 2018



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