By enduring stress or experiencing trauma for a short time, your body will create healthier cells so you can be better prepared for the future or other stressful problems.

According to Dr. Adhikari at the University of London both the environment and the gene have a role in determining the shape and shape of the human nose.

When the cell matures, many of its genes will become permanently inactive. Errors in the process of 1 gene can cause disease.

There is a woman in the world who is not afraid of anything.

Rhys Williams, 6, in Bolton, England, suffers from the most dangerous disease of skin diseases: Bullosa epidermal disease.

Blind blind patients in the UK will participate in the first trial of eye treatment with human embryonic stem cell therapy in Europe.

Every time the sun shines, Sarah suffers from a rare, untreatable skin disease called porphyria.

Depression, low libido, can not concentrate? Like thousands of other men, you may have had a bad disease that even many doctors have never heard of.

Through facial recognition software, doctors diagnose rare genetic disorders.