Some people believe that just eating a lot and delicious is enough nutrients, but according to Dr. Dao Thi Yen Thuy - Head of Nutrition Department, Hanh Phuc International Hospital

Instant noodles are popularly used by convenience, cheap and attractive flavors. However, this food has potential health risks that few people expect.

The fragrant and fragrant shrimp noodles are crispy, cheap and cheap, not having to cook and cook, the favorite food of many people, especially students.

Convenient noodle, so many people choose to make fast meals. However, there has been a lot of conflicting information recently, suggesting that instant noodles cause cancer.

In fact, the yellow color of instant noodles is not because of the old oil but the turmeric and spice. Each squeeze of noodles is fried for less than 2 minutes and meets 30% of

Ever since, noodles or instant noodles have become a familiar dish for many people.

People with dyslipidemia, hypertension, overweight / obesity, diabetes need to limit the use of instant noodles in main meals.

Food style

The nutritional value of instant noodles is unbalanced and regular use of instant noodles will harm the liver, pancreas and cause gastritis.