Technology paradise in Korea

Thinking about technology, to robots, everyone would remember immediately about Japan. But it's not just Japan. A neighbor of this country, South Korea, is investing in how much money for technology.

Thinking about technology, to robots, everyone would remember immediately about Japan. But it's not just Japan. A neighbor of this country, South Korea, is investing in how much money for technology. The Seoul government has set a goal that by the end of the next decade, every Korean family owns a robot!

Shortly after the financial crisis of the 1990s, the Korean government decided to invest in linking almost everything with information technology, quickly turning the country into a high-tech paradise.

Picture 1 of Technology paradise in Korea
Soon, almost every company in Korea has a high-speed internet connection.

As for households, the goal of 'definition' is not difficult because up to 1/3 of the population of this country live in 3 big cities. Also, please be clear that it is a high-speed type of 'sharpness'.

And when it comes to high speed, everything is actually being transferred at a very fast speed. In Korea, people talk about megabytes per second.

Today, three-quarters of Koreans own high-speed internet, making it the world's most scaled-up network.

And when 'net' becomes an integral part of Korean people, one can think of sugar as impossible in the past.

Since a few years ago, Korea has been producing internet-connected refrigerators, and from then on, to supply the world with internet ovens, internet microwaves, internet washing machines and internet air conditioners!

The virtual world became extremely important and seemed inseparable for the inhabitants of the land of ginseng. An example? There are up to 90% of Korean youth in the age of 20 making themselves a virtual character in the 'sharp' world!

And when it comes to high-tech countries, it's not just robots or 'strokes' that are rampant. People seem to be impatient enough to have the most hot and modern electronic devices in their hands. So in Korea, you can find almost all discounted electronic devices, from the highest-resolution television, that have just been released to the market for a few months to laptops. looks very stylish.

And if you're in Seoul, you'll easily click to enter the virtual world at any time, in any corner of the city.


Update 13 December 2018



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