The food should and should not be eaten when the stomach is full

After a big meal, you will feel bloated. Although this feeling will gradually disappear but before losing, it makes you extremely uncomfortable, unstable mood.

After a big meal, you will feel bloated. Although this feeling will gradually disappear but before losing, it makes you extremely uncomfortable, unstable mood.

Although it also makes your abdomen bigger than abdominal bloating unlike normal abdominal obesity. This is a temporary condition that occurs when you eat too much, poor digestive activity leads to accumulation of fluid or gas in the abdomen. The body can completely handle this condition on its own, but in order for the bloating to disappear quickly, you should be aware of some foods that should and should not be eaten.

Picture 1 of The food should and should not be eaten when the stomach is full

You should choose foods that help the digestive process get better.(Illustration)

Here are some foods you should eat when you are full or bloated:

You should choose foods that help the digestive process go better, combined with gentle movement, bloating, abdominal distention will disappear faster.

- Yogurt: This is one of the best foods to eat when full of belly. Good bacteria in yogurt will promote digestion and reduce the accumulation of fluid or gas in the stomach, thereby reducing bloating. Yogurt is the best option in this case and if you want to choose the flavor of yogurt then choose natural aromas like fruit.

- Bananas: A diet high in sodium can also make you feel bloated, bloated, uncomfortable. If you don't eat yogurt, you can choose bananas to resolve this situation. The abundance of potassium in bananas can help counter sodium and balance the stomach environment during digestion. Maintaining a good sodium-potassium balance is essential to maintaining water balance, avoiding irritation in the stomach leading to abdominal distention.

Picture 2 of The food should and should not be eaten when the stomach is full

The rich content of potassium in bananas can help fight sodium intake and balance the stomach environment.(Illustration)

- Herbal tea: Herbal teas have antispasmodic effects, so it is used as one of the foods to help reduce flatulence. Herbal tea will help relax the digestive tract and activate the stomach to fight normal contractions. You can choose teas like mint tea, ginger tea, lemon tea . to solve your problem.

- Papaya: Papaya contains a milky white substance called papain that helps reduce "bloating" due to bloating. Papain is also considered to have a good laxative effect, good bowel movements and reduced abdominal discomfort.

Picture 3 of The food should and should not be eaten when the stomach is full

Papain in papaya is also considered to have a good laxative effect, which helps to have good bowel movements.(Illustration)

Food should be avoided when bloating:

When you have bloating, avoid dairy products, cabbage, cauliflower, apples, beans . as they make you feel fuller. In addition, you should avoid the following food groups:

- High-salt foods: High- sodium foods make you prone to flatulence, so if you eat more high-salt foods, the flatulence will increase.

Picture 4 of The food should and should not be eaten when the stomach is full

Foods high in salt, fat or carbon dioxide can make your bloating worse.(Illustration)

- Fried food: Fried foods contain high fat content, so these foods are often difficult to digest, time is longer to absorb than other foods, so there is gas formation, increased feeling abdominal discomfort.

- Carbonated drinks: Carbonated drinks contain a lot of carbon dioxide, so this drink makes the stomach become bloated. When entering the stomach, bubbles containing carbon dioxide break, accumulate in the stomach and intestines, causing us to fill our stomachs and belch continuously.

Update 15 December 2018



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