The indispensable benefit of cherry fruit

Cherry fruit ingredients are good for the eyes, help you sleep better, improve the digestive system, prevent cancer ...

Cherry fruit ingredients are good for the eyes, help you sleep better, improve the digestive system, prevent cancer .

>>>The reason should eat a lot of fruit

1. Increase energy for the body

Consuming cherry will help increase energy in your body naturally. Most of the calories in this fruit come from natural sugars, which promote a happy mood and increase energy in your body. If you feel tired, eat some fresh cherry you will feel much more excited.

2. Helps sleep better

Eat cherry regularly to improve insomnia. Cherry contains melatonin that makes sleep more deep and delicious. Don't rush to take sedation because it can cause a side effect that makes you uncomfortable. Instead, try to eat a few cherries a day that will give you much better quality sleep.

3. Good for the eyes

The amount of vitamin A in cherry is about 20 times more than strawberry or blueberry. A great reason to eat cherries every day is that they are great for your eyes. Cherry contains a lot of vitamin A and part of this vitamin is beta carotene that promotes good vision and keeps your eyes healthy. Retinol is a part of vitamin A which also helps skin to be smooth and elastic.

Picture 1 of The indispensable benefit of cherry fruit

The bright red cherry has many health benefits.(Photo: womanitely)

4. Prevent cancer

Consuming cherry regularly can help fight some types of cancer. Cherry contains powerful antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer and slow the aging process. Add this fruit to your diet to get good health.

5. Improve digestion

Due to its high fiber content, cherry helps improve the digestive system and lower cholesterol levels. You don't need to eat too many cherries, just a little is enough. The fiber content in this fruit accounts for about a quarter of your total fiber needs during the day.

6. Cure pain and reduce swelling

Cherry is an abundant source of anthocyanins. This substance has been shown to help relieve pain and swelling for chronic diseases, including gout and arthritis. If you have joint pain, try to eat some cherry every day instead of taking medicine. This fruit has also been shown to reduce dysmenorrhea.

7. Prevent cramps (cramps)

Bananas have more potassium than cherry, but not everyone likes bananas. If you don't like bananas, it's still easy to get the amount of potassium you need when eating cherry. This helps reduce and prevent cramps, so this is a good idea if you eat cherry before and after exercising. You can also drink cherry juice if you want.

8. Improve brain function

If you experience occasional forgetfulness, cherry may help you avoid the loss of age-related memory loss. Cherry is known as "brain tonic" because it contains many powerful antioxidants anthocyanins. This is an excellent substance for the brain. Each meal has a little cherry that will help improve your brain power.

9. Good for the heart

Good heart foods are always a great dish. Cherry has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and is good for overall health.

10. High anti-inflammatory properties

One of the most important health benefits of cherry fruit is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This is good news for arthritis patients and athletes who are prone to pain after training. If you are having inflammatory problems, drink cherry fruit juice diluted 3 times a day.

Reference: womanitely.

Update 15 December 2018



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