The plants cure body weakness

Mulberry, chrysanthemum, apple kernel ... are very good for people who are tired and weak. They are very suitable for the elderly.

Mulberry, chrysanthemum, apple kernel . are very good for people who are tired and weak. They are very suitable for the elderly.

Flower daisies :

Picture 1 of The plants cure body weakness
Chrysanthemum white flowers have a mild diuretic effect. The active substance glucoxid in this herb has antihypertensive effect, slightly reduces cholesterol and beta - Lipoprotein blood in patients with hypertension. It is used to treat hypertension, dizziness, and nerve pain. Use 8-16 g of sharp colors to drink.

Yellow flower daisies also work to lower blood pressure, treat high blood pressure, dizziness, dizziness, headache, blurred vision; Long-term intake of blood and gas, has endocrine effects for a long time. Use 8-16 g of sharp colors to drink.

Mulberry : Ripe fruit for diabetes, tuberculosis, anemia, tinnitus, blurred vision, joint pain, poor sleep, early silver hair, constipation; long-term health, good sleep, good hearing, bright eyes, long-term youth. The strawberries squeezed water, she became soft, and drank 12-20 g. Syrup made from ripe berries for sore throat, mouth ulcers, tongue sores.

Human apple kernel (apple apple): Used to treat damage to sleep, nervousness, palpitations, frustration, sweat theft. On use of 0.8-1.2 g, equivalent to about 15-20 nuclei. If using high doses, must be black stars.

Triangles : A tonic that works to increase energy and increase the adaptability of the body; effective blood, blood thinner, cure anemia, fatigue, dizziness, dizziness, headache, less sleep. Take 4-6 g daily, powder form or decoction.

Ha Thu Do Red : Effect of blood tonic, treat kidney failure, weak liver, asthenic nerves, poor sleep, anemia, back pain, knee fatigue; Long-term drinking darkens the hair's beard for people with premature hair, making the hair dry and shed. Use 6-12 g colors or drink alcohol.

Update 14 December 2018



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