Uncover the mysterious pyramid construction in just 1 night

According to ancient Mayan legend, a god named Itzamna built this pyramid in just one night.

The Magical Pyramid at Uxmal, Mexico is one of the world famous ancient architecture. According to ancient Mayan legend, a god named Itzamna built this pyramid in just one night.

Pyramid Magus in Uxmal, Mexico is also known by other names such as Dwarf pyramid, Casa el Adivino or Soothsayer. This is one of the most impressive ancient monuments in the world before Columbus found America.

Picture 1 of Uncover the mysterious pyramid construction in just 1 night

Pyramid Magus.

According to experts, the Magi pyramid was built in the 6th - 10th century. This ancient pyramid is about 40m tall and is the highest and most visible in the ancient city of Uxmal .

In ancient times, Uxmal was one of the largest cities on the Yucatan Peninsula. In the flourishing period, Uxmal was home to about 25,000 Mayans.

The reason for this work is called the Magus Pyramid because it comes from a Mayan legend. Specifically, the Mayan legend tells that the pyramid was built by Itzamna - a magic god built in 1 night. Once completed, this place is used as a training place for magicians and physicians.

Later, Uxmal people worshiped and worshiped the god Itzamna, who possessed supernatural powers and superhuman magic. The Pyramid of the Magician was pillaged and destroyed in part when Spain conquered the Yucatan Peninsula.

Update 18 December 2018



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