Very cheap cold flu foods

Wash your hands clean, do not touch your face, wear a mask when going on the street ... these rules are always transmitted in the flu season, especially when the weather is too harsh this year for El Nino.

Wash your hands clean, do not touch your face, wear a mask when going on the street . these rules are always transmitted in the flu season, especially when the weather is too harsh this year for El Nino.

However, these are only secondary precautions. What few people know is that the foods you eat on a daily basis can also increase your ability to prevent flu effectively.

1. Yogurt

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Probiotics are more beneficial than you think. They help the intestines balance beneficial bacteria with pathogenic bacteria, but according to scientific studies published in the recent Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, this balance is closely related to strengthening. Function of the immune system, reducing the risk of infection. Therefore, if you want to enhance good bacteria in your intestines, look for yogurt and kefir mushrooms. Sugarless yogurt is best, although they may not be as easy to eat as sugary yogurt. In addition, gut regulators are also a good food source.

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2. Chicken soup / Chicken soup

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Chinese chicken soup or chicken soup contains very strong anti-inflammatory agents - preventing white blood cells from gathering in the lungs - this means it can soothe the body's flu symptoms, a recent study said. Moreover, soup / chicken soup is easy to eat while the body is tired, can quickly replenish nutrients, vitamins and minerals to the body, enhance resistance.

In addition, when you are sick, both fever and heavy breaths cause your body to become dehydrated. At this time, a soup bowl / chicken soup will make your body rehydrate very quickly.

3. Green tea

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When you're sick, rehydration is important. But even if you feel completely normal, healthy, high-dose polyphenols and catechins in green tea also help fight viruses and stimulate the immune system very effectively. These are the two most powerful antioxidant EGCG currently available. According to doctors, green tea can help and support many organs simultaneously such as heart, brain, joints, metabolism .

4. Ginger

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Not only does it cause congestion and headaches, the flu also makes people sick with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If you meet these symptoms, eat some quick ginger slices. The compounds in ginger such as galanolactone can activate via the central nervous system, affecting serotonin levels in the body and eliminating nausea. Because of this effect, ginger is a very effective anti-motion sickness food. Try drinking ginger tea, spicy ginger candy or bite a slice of ginger to make your body feel comfortable and relieved.

5. Fruits of oranges and tangerines

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Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can effectively kill free radicals within the body. Whether vitamin C can fight the flu is still controversial, but you should definitely eat vitamin C-rich foods year-round, especially when your body is weak and weak. Top choices include oranges, tangerines, strawberries, pineapples or vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. In addition, vitamin C seems to be most effective in people who exercise regularly.

6. Sardine (sardine)

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Most of the vitamin D loaded into our bodies is through sunlight, but in winter, when it is murky, obviously, this supply will be markedly reduced. Therefore, if you do not eat vitamin-D-rich foods, it is likely that your body will be deficient in calcium in the winter. Not only that, vitamin D is also an essential component of the immune system. Inside the immune cells are cells that collect vitamin D. It is the doctor's advice to drink fish oil, eat sardine and herring to supplement this vitamin, even functional foods. Add vitamin D if necessary.

7. Beef

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Zinc can enhance the body's ability to produce white blood cells, which are the leading fighters of the immune system. Many people believe that zinc will help shorten the duration of flu symptoms, making the disease faster. Foods rich in zinc include beef, chicken, lamb, spinach, sesame seeds, lentils .

8. Honey

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Honey has long been used extensively as a "medicinal god" for healing and beauty. The best use is to mix 2 teaspoons of honey into 1 cup of warm water to drink in the morning after getting up, which will help you improve your body's immunity and prevent colds effectively.

9. Onion porridge, perilla

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Onions with strong antiseptic properties, used to treat flu very sensitive. Perilla is also considered to be a natural antibiotic that helps fight flu especially effectively.

In folklore, whenever people often cook porridge onions, perilla to eat, will help sympathy, flu treatment very quickly.

10. Gargle with salt water

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This is a simple method but is especially effective in preventing and supporting the treatment of common colds.

Salt water helps disinfect the oral cavity, throat, reduce the burning pain caused by dry cough and sneeze a lot. You should rinse your mouth with salt water 2 times / day or soak up salt and spit it out to give the same effect.

11. Egg porridge

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In addition to onion porridge, egg porridge is also a food that helps treat flu very effectively and safely, especially for pregnant women.

Egg porridge will give the best effect when hot and give lots of onions and perilla on porridge. After eating, the body will sweat a lot, making you feel much more comfortable and relieved.

12. Steam

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Sauna is a very effective folk method for treating colds and fever.

The pharmacological effect of herbs entails warm steam to dilate peripheral vessels. This helps to stimulate the sweat glands, eliminating the toxins in the body.

Some types of leaves are often used such as lemon leaves, lemongrass, basil, grapefruit, perilla, marjoram, patchouli, cinnamon, ginger, mint, basil lemon, bamboo, strawberry .


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When you get sick, your taste buds are bland because of colds and fever. Eating bananas is beneficial because they are easy to chew and swallow, and have a sweet taste. Bananas are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Eating bananas daily will prevent you from future viral fever symptoms because it increases white blood cells, improves immunity and enhances your resistance to disease.


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Peppers containing capsaicin are an effective treatment for viral and flu fever. Not only chili, but pepper also has the same effect as pain relief by breaking mucus and cleaning the sinuses.

Update 14 December 2018



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