When buying pork chops, seeing these 3 signs is absolutely not allowed to buy even at a sharp discount

Ribs are a familiar dish often made in the form of cooking crocodile soup or stir-fried sweet and sour. However, if you do not select the delicious ribs accidentally, you will probably be tricked by the sales people to buy poor quality ribs.

Ribs are a familiar dish often made in the form of cooking crocodile soup or stir-fried sweet and sour. However, if you do not select the delicious ribs accidentally, you will probably be tricked by the sales people to buy poor quality ribs.

In family meals, ribs are a familiar ingredient with soft, sweet flavor, which can be processed into many special dishes. However, in the process of buying ribs, you should also pay attention to some of the following characteristic signs. If you see these features on the ribs you intend to buy, you need to put down immediately, even if the seller has reduced the floor price must also avoid bringing about eating.

Picture 1 of When buying pork chops, seeing these 3 signs is absolutely not allowed to buy even at a sharp discount

Ribs are a familiar ingredient with soft, sweet flavor, which can be processed into many special dishes

1. Rib surface is wet

The ribs with a wet surface, if at a glance, seem clean and fresh. However, the fact that they are ribs have been sprayed with water to increase weight when weighing. In particular, these wet ribs often have a more unpleasant odor on hot days and are more likely to produce bacteria. Therefore, you need to avoid buying this kind of ribs to protect the health of the whole family.

2. Sticky ribs

Normally when touching a piece of fresh ribs, you will feel a bit sticky, but if it is too sticky, even wet and viscous, you should absolutely not buy. This is a sign that the rib has been left out for a long time, it smells rancid, bacteria multiply.

Besides, the long ribs also do not show signs of elasticity, when pressing on the meat to create dents.

3. Rib smells

In addition to checking the color and shape of the ribs, don't forget to put it on your nose to smell it. With fresh pork chops, there will be a slight fishy odor characteristic of raw pork. And in case the rib has a strong, unpleasant odor, it is a sign that it is broken, not kept clean, lack of food hygiene and safety.

Through this, if you want to buy delicious ribs, we should take care to get up early to go to the market from the morning or buy in big supermarkets, reputable food stores that are clean, new shelf.

Update 29 June 2020



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