You can also improve 'health' ... Earth!

In parallel with the environmental protection efforts of the countries and the international community, each of us can also contribute to improving the 'health' of the Earth by adjusting daily living habits. ..

In parallel with the environmental protection efforts of the countries and the international community, each of us can also contribute to improving the 'health' of the Earth by adjusting the daily living habits .

Replace incandescent light bulbs

Compared to incandescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps save more electricity, consume only ¼ of electricity but glow more than regular light bulbs. Another point is that compact lamps have a lifespan that lasts for many years, maybe even up to 10 years. Not only helps to save family funds, the use of compact lights is also very beneficial for the environment. It is estimated that just as every household in the United States replaces a incandescent light bulb with a compact lamp, it can prevent 6.5 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from being released into the atmosphere - the equivalent of taking 1 million cars. slightly in garage all year.

Besides the above solution, to reduce monthly electricity bills and contribute to improving environmental health, every home should turn off unnecessary lights and take advantage of natural light.

Limit private car driving

You may not know the car you drive CO2 emissions is as much as your family's emissions. So whatever you do to improve the vehicle's fuel consumption efficiency will contribute significantly to limiting the phenomenon of climate change. If finance allows, you should change to a fuel-efficient vehicle such as a 'hybrid' vehicle that uses electricity and gasoline / oil, or replace a new engine, a less fuel-efficient type, or at least take the car to ' pull back '. - help improve 50% fuel efficiency. Estimates every year, every 100,000 doctors who are hard to 'suck' their cars, the atmosphere will limit 124 thousand tons of CO2.

Working from home, using public transport or walking instead of driving to work are ways you can choose to save money and protect the environment - once a week to help reduce 1 ton of CO2 gas per year.

Avoid abuse of air conditioning

Using air conditioners accounts for an average of 30% of household electricity costs. Old air conditioners "eat" 30% more electricity than their new counterparts, so if you have the financial means, you should replace them. In addition, you should periodically ask the mechanic to 'tip' or regularly clean the air conditioner - this simple way saves 10% of electricity consumption.

Before opening the air conditioner, be sure to check all windows and doors to be closed. If it is not too hot, use a fan to save more than half of the electricity cost.

Use a refrigerator to save money

Do you know that the refrigerator in my family is very 'thirsty' of electricity. On average, it accounts for 10-15% of the total electricity consumption of the family each month. To save electricity, note:

- Do not adjust the temperature too low, even only 10 o C makes a big difference.

- Change position if the refrigerator is placed near a heat source such as a fire stove, hot hole or near a window where the sun shines.

- The cabinet door should be closed after each use

- Regularly clean the condenser (hot rig) behind the refrigerator.

Pay attention to electrical equipment

In addition to refrigerators, water heaters, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers and dishwashers are also very power hungry. When using them, you should:

- Adjust the water heater to a few degrees or turn on the 'energy saving' mode. If possible, a timer device should be installed to turn off at night and open itself just before you wake up in the morning.

- If the dishes are less recommended, wash them by hand.

- Adjusting the dry and hot clothes drying mode can save 15% of the electricity consumed by the washing machine. If not necessary avoid washing clothes with hot water.

Green energy investment

What would you do if the world depleted fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) tomorrow? Currently, humanity has been able to use electricity from renewable sources such as solar, wind and geothermal. There are many devices that use 'green' energy such as solar water heaters ., choose to buy.

'Say no' to pesticides

Most farmers still have a habit of using chemicals to protect crops. But this method is very harmful to the environment because not only does it kill harmful pests and pesticides, but it also kills microorganisms that store carbon in the soil. When these beneficial microorganisms are lost, soil releases carbon into the air in the form of carbon dioxide and the soil is not fertile.

If you are not a gardener, you can also contribute to limiting CO 2 emissions by eating locally and seasonal vegetables. If the food is not consumed far away, the amount of CO2 emitted by the truck will be less. If possible, set up your home garden.

Buy recycled items

Producing recycled products is less energy efficient than brand new products. In addition, the price of recycled products is always cheaper than genuine products. For example, recycled paper prices are 1/3 cheaper than similar non-recycled products.

Saving spending

This can be very difficult for many of us, but one of the simplest ways to save energy is to be less used and less shopping.


Update 16 December 2018



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