10 ways to help reduce stress effectively

Work makes you stressed and tired, which is inevitable in modern life. So how to reduce stress the fastest, most effective?

Work makes you stressed and tired, which is inevitable in modern life. So how to reduce stress the fastest, most effective?

1. Do not eat too much salt

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Eating salt is also part of the cause of obesity because eating too much salt will cause your body to retain water. In addition, high levels of salt in the body can also lead to high blood pressure. Reduce salt use by choosing fresh foods instead of processed or canned foods. A reasonable diet will help you improve your health and avoid stress.

2. Exercise climbing stairs

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When we feel uncomfortable or stressed, we tend to smoke or drink a cup of coffee to regain our balance. But is this the most effective way to avoid stress? Not really. Scientific studies show that 10 minutes of exercise can also help you promote mental health. Stair climbing exercises help you reduce stress very effectively.

3. Do not eat foods high in sugar when stressed

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When you feel stressed, you can choose fast foods like pastries instead of vegetables and fruits. But when eating things with lots of sugar, you will feel slow and uncomfortable in your body. In addition, excess calories may cause you to gain weight quickly - increasing health risks. Therefore, you should not eat sweets or calorie-rich foods when you feel anxious. Instead, eat an apple or take 10 deep breaths.

4. Make sure there is always a deep sleep

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The way health professionals think that sleeping 7-8 hours a night helps you recharge your energy and reduce your risk of stress. If you have insomnia, you should not drink coffee after noon time, avoid exercising for 2 hours before going to bed. In addition, to have a deep sleep, you should not put a TV, computer, or other entertainment device in the bedroom. If you take these measures and still have insomnia, you should see your doctor.

5. Refresh yourself

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To avoid stress and boredom in your life, try refreshing yourself with grape changes such as changing your hairstyle, going on a new journey from home to work, taking a walk and trying out dishes. new. These changes will definitely help you always have positive thoughts about life.

6. Yoga and walking

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You don't need to spend hours in the gym instead you simply need a few minutes of walking to help your body recharge. In addition, other gentle physical exercises like yoga also help you regain your balance both physically and mentally.

7. Eat foods high in fiber

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Fiber can help you lose weight more effectively because it makes you eat less. Also, regular eating high-fiber foods is good for your heart's health and helps you reduce your risk of stress. You can easily add fiber through foods that are very popular in daily meals such as cereal grains, apples, oranges, tangerines and green vegetables.

8. Live with the present

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Thinking about what is happening to your life instead of worrying about your future is also a way to help you relax very effectively. Please temporarily forget the past and the future, focus and reality is the best way to help you not be stressed in the current world.

9. See a doctor

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If you often have stress symptoms such as a headache, joint pain or cough that lasts, you stop hesitating to see a doctor for helpful advice. In case you have not had time to see a doctor, you can follow the above methods.

10. Brain relaxation

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In life, there are times when you have to think so much that your brain does not maintain sanity as usual. To avoid this situation, you should take part in recreational activities to help your mind relax like gardening, walking, reading, .

Update 14 December 2018



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