7 jobs before going to bed are just as bad as staying up late, a series of illnesses comes

There are many habits that people do before going to bed but can cause significant health harm.

There are many habits that people do before going to bed but can cause significant health harm.

Most people know that we need to sleep 8 hours a day, which is 1/3 of our life in bed, so sleeping well is very important. However, many people do not know that inappropriate actions before going to bed will affect the quality of sleep, ultimately affecting overall health.

7 things not to do before going to bed

    • 1. Drink alcohol before going to bed
    • 2. Do not drink a lot of water before going to bed
    • 3. Eat too full before going to bed
    • 4. Anger before going to bed
    • 5. Open the window before going to bed
    • 6. Eat sweets before going to bed
    • 7. Wearing too thick to go to sleep
  • Do the following two things before sleeping about a month, will see a lot better body
    • 1. Comb your hair
    • 2. Foot bath

1. Drink alcohol before going to bed

Picture 1 of 7 jobs before going to bed are just as bad as staying up late, a series of illnesses comes

A German expert observed the harmful effects of drinking alcohol before going to bed for 15 years and found that people who drank alcohol before bed could develop two apnea episodes, about 10 seconds each. And only 10 seconds will be dangerous to our human health: damage to blood vessels in a short time, long time will affect the health of the heart.

2. Do not drink a lot of water before going to bed

Of course, don't ask people to drink large amounts of water before going to bed, otherwise it will interfere with sleep due to having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. However, if you do not drink water before bed, it will affect your health. This is because during sleep, our bodies are constantly active and our body needs water to stay active during operation. If not drinking enough water, it will affect the normal functioning of the body. So drink 200ml of water every night before going to bed.

3. Eat too full before going to bed

Chinese medicine said that the stomach is uncomfortable, sleep is not good, the human digestive system needs to be rested in time to be able to maintain normal activities. If you eat too much before going to bed, the digestive system does not have time to rest, repair, eventually will cause gastrointestinal diseases and affect health.

4. Anger before going to bed

A Western study shows that sleep can make memories of your worse experiences stronger than when you were awake, and photos that make you angry appear longer. Everyone knows that anger is bad for health and anger before bed is even more harmful. Anger makes your heart beat faster during sleep, and can also cause difficulty breathing, insomnia . Factors affecting health over time will cause irreversible harm.

5. Open the window before going to bed

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wind is the cause of many diseases. Therefore, sleeping place should avoid air outlet, bed should be a certain distance from windows and doors. If you sleep in front of a window or vent, long periods of time are sure to endanger your health.

6. Eat sweets before going to bed

Picture 2 of 7 jobs before going to bed are just as bad as staying up late, a series of illnesses comes

According to medical analysis, eating sweets before going to bed, in addition to increasing fat, is more important than harming the body. This is because sweets will affect healthy hormones, hindering growth hormone secretion. Eating sweets before going to bed will also raise blood sugar, which over time will cause diabetes.

7. Wearing too thick to go to sleep

Compared to thin pajamas, the softness of thick pajamas is relatively low, the pressure and friction on the skin are relatively large. If you wear too thick to sleep, and the thick pajamas wrap around you, it will interfere with blood circulation on the body surface and skin's metabolism, which is harmful to human health.

Before bedtime is the golden age of health.

Do the following two things before sleeping about a month, will see a lot better body

1. Comb your hair

We know that there are some important points on the head. By combing hair, having a massage effect, stimulating, can soothe the liver, enhance brain health, relieve pain, increase eyesight . If patiently combing hair every day before going to bed, will help protect health. When brushing your hair, try to comb your entire head. You should brush from the forehead to the back of the neck and the sides of your head. Brush at least 50 times for each section, preferably pearl comb, wooden comb is best.

2. Foot bath

Foreign medical scientists call the foot "the second heart of the human body" and attach great importance to the role of foot health. Chinese medicine also says that more than 60 points in the foot are closely related to five internal organs. If you have a habit of soaking your feet in warm water (40-50 ° C), massaging your feet and toes before bed each day, can promote gas and blood movement, rejuvenate muscles and maintain strength. strong.

Update 17 May 2020



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