9 foods gradually destroy the brain

Artificial sweeteners are often found in bottled beverages that are potentially dangerous to health, especially the brain.

Artificial sweeteners are often found in bottled beverages that are potentially dangerous to health, especially the brain.

The quality of the foods we eat every day greatly affects our health and the brain. Consuming the following food with an excessive amount can reduce brain function. Consider and consider carefully before using to keep you a healthy, intelligent brain.

1. Sweet food

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Sweet foods that contain too much sugar can damage health. In addition to promoting the growth of cancer cells, sugar also has a bad effect, leading to reduced brain function and memory.

Eating a lot of sweets also hinders the absorption of protein and other nutrients, thereby causing malnutrition and can affect brain development.

2. Fried food

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Eating fried foods with excess amounts can also be harmful to the health of the brain. These foods contain oils and fats, which gradually accumulate in blood vessels, thereby limiting blood supply to the brain and can lead to reduced brain function.

3. Canned food

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The content of preservatives, pigments and chemicals in canned foods is dangerous if it is taken into the body. These substances have been scientifically proven to be the main cause of impaired brain function.

4. Fast food

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Preservatives, dyes and other additives are dangerous for the brain.(Photo: lanasomething.com)

High levels of fats, salts, preservatives and added sugars in snacks . are potentially harmful to the brain. These additives have the ability to cause chemical changes in the brain and lead to brain disorders, causing anxiety and depression.

5. High salt foods

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Salt is useful to add flavor to dishes. However, eating too much salt can cause health complications, which can lead to memory impairment .

Foods that contain too much salt will cause high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis , and further damage blood vessels, affecting blood supply to brain organs. This causes anemia, lack of oxygen in brain cells, leading to reduced memory, slow response.

6. Prepared meat

Proteins are essential for muscles and support the function of cells in the body. Although it contains very little protein, high levels of preservatives and additives have a negative impact on the brain, but processed meat has become one of the most widely consumed foods.

7. Alcohol

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Brain cells shrink when exposed to alcohol. This finding comes after scientists measured the elasticity of the brain under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol causes a deficiency of thiamine (also called vitamin B1, a major nutrient component of all tissues, including the brain), which can lead to a serious brain disorder called Wernicke's brain disease. .

If used in excess of the permitted level, alcohol can be dangerous to the brain, causing memory loss, stress, depression and other neurological complications.

Symptoms of this disease include: confusion, paralysis of motor neurons and difficulty in coordination. About 80 - 90% of Wernicke's alcoholics suffer from memory disorders. Scientists estimate that about 100,000 brain cells are killed when drinking a glass of wine. In a drunken state, the number of dead brain cells can reach 10 million.

8. Artificial sweeteners

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Artificial sweeteners are often found in bottled beverages that are potentially dangerous to health, especially the brain. One of the most common diseases is the decline in cognitive function of the brain. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid as far as possible the foods that contain the sugar content.

9. Types of noodles

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The types of noodles are modified starch - modified starch that has gone through the refining process, the beneficial ingredients like vitamin B and glucose have reduced and only carbohydrates are left. Carbon hydrates will reduce the activity of neurons.

Update 15 December 2018



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