Catch the giant fish

A sunfish weighing nearly 160kg has been caught in Seattle, Washington state - USA in the middle of the week.

A sunfish weighing nearly 160kg has been caught in Seattle, Washington state - USA in the middle of the week. The shape of the fish is so strange that when it was pulled up, people thought it . came from Mars.

It takes up to 4 men to pull a strange fish on board. On the night of October 29, while fishing the salmon, fisherman Todd LaClair recognized his net while trapping something huge in Elliott Bay off Harbor Island.'At that time I was fishing at a depth of about 30m. When I pulled the fish up, it made me feel very soulful. It looks like a creature from Mars' - Mr. LaClair said.

Looking closer, Mr. LaClair discovered that it was sunfish. The fish was so big that he had to ask for a bigger ship to help him. With 3 more people on hand, the fish stays in place on the ship.

Picture 1 of Catch the giant fish

The fish caught the attention of many people when placed outside the Sunfish Fish & Chips company.(Photo: Seattle Times)

The next morning, Mr. LaClair phoned Michael Vassiliou, the owner of Sunfish Fish & Chips.'At first I thought he was joking. I have seen sunfish so much but have never heard it appear in Elliott Bay ever. So, it is too big for imagination and unfortunately there is no way to preserve it, ' Mr. Vassiliou said.

Sunfish have a round shape, a lot of bones, a large spine and low fins. On its skin, there are countless parasites. Although the fish has caught quite large, but the maximum weight of this fish can be up to . more than 2.2 tons. Sunfishes mainly eat jellyfish, plankton and algae.

The warm currents off the coast of Washington every summer often 'invite' some exotic fish, but this year seems much better. On August 31, Mr. Rick Shapland caught a moon fish near Grays Harbor. In the list of strange fish this summer, there are 2 Atka mackerel, a pig scad and 2 bass.

Update 17 December 2018



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