Five endangered animals

Red-eyed primates, dwarf salamanders are among the red-listed species, at high risk of extinction, published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in National Geographic magazine.

Red-eyed primates, dwarf salamanders are among the red-listed species, at high risk of extinction, published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in National Geographic magazine.

Picture 1 of Five endangered animals

Primates with red eyes.This primates are living in Siau Island, Indonesia.Up to 80% of this species is destroyed in just one decade, mainly due to human hunting.

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Dwarf salamander is an amphibian, living in Guatemala.This is an extremely rare species on the red list in 2011. This species often lives in a forest with large timber trees.

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Tiny turtles.This is one of the world's smallest turtles, 7.9 to 11.4 cm long, living in the eastern United States.This species is decreasing in number.

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Multicolored toad in Peru.This year, up to 19 species of frogs, toads, and salamanders were added to the red book, of which 8 species are on the extremely endangered list, including this multicolored toad.New investigations found only two multicolored toads in 2010.

Picture 5 of Five endangered animals

Arabic ' unicorn '.There is scientific name Oryx leucory.This species only has about 6 live in the wild in 1972. This rare animal is in danger of extinction due to excessive hunting.

Update 16 December 2018



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