Giant stingray caught in China

Chinese fishermen have caught a giant stingray weighing more than a ton off the coast of Fujian province. After putting stingray on a boat on September 3, fishermen took it to shore and sawed it for sale, China Daily said.

Chinese fishermen have caught a giant stingray weighing more than a ton off the coast of Fujian province.

>>>Unknown things about the 8m-long giant fish

Picture 1 of Giant stingray caught in China

The stingray is put on the boat by fishermen. (Photo: Asianews)

After putting stingray on a boat on September 3, fishermen took it to shore and sawed it for sale, China Daily said.

End fish are soft-bottomed mollusks in different geographical areas. Many stingrays live in coastal waters, some species appear at depths of 3,000m or more. Most rays are distributed throughout the world, in tropical and subtropical, temperate or cold waters.

Most stingrays have developed, heavy, rounded teeth to grind apricot shells or shells such as snails, clams, oysters, crustaceans, and several fish species, depending on the species. .

Conservationists warn rays in China are about to become extinct because of their growing demand for traditional Chinese medicine. Many Chinese people believe that carrying rays can help the body recover from fever. They are dried to sell in Asian markets. The average price of each kg brings rays to 168 pounds.

Traditional Chinese medicine said that stingrays can help strengthen the immune system, reduce toxins and enhance blood circulation in the body.

Update 17 December 2018



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