Instructions to remove the screen from the desktop in Windows 10

You can prevent Windows 10 from using the connected screen without disconnecting it, then easily allow Windows 10 to use the screen again when desired.

You can prevent Windows 10 from using the connected screen without disconnecting it , then easily allow Windows 10 to use the screen again when desired.

This basically allows you to remove and restore an connected external monitor as needed, without having to physically disconnect and reconnect the monitor or turn the monitor on or off.

This guide will show you how to remove the screen from the desktop to prevent Windows 10 from using the screen and restore it when desired .

Remove the screen from the desktop in Settings


  • You must be logged in as an admin to use this option.
  • This option is independent of option 2 below.

1. Open Settings and click on the System icon .

2. Click Display on the left side and click the Advanced display settings link on the bottom right.

Picture 1 of Instructions to remove the screen from the desktop in Windows 10

 Click the Advanced display settings link at the bottom right.

3. Select the screen you want to remove or restore in the Choose display drop-down menu .

4. Turn on (remove) or turn off (restore) the Remove display from desktop option, depending on what you want and the current state of the screen.

Picture 2 of Instructions to remove the screen from the desktop in Windows 10

5. You can now close Settings if desired.

Remove the monitor from the desktop in the NVIDIA Control Panel


  • This option is only available if you have installed drivers and NVIDIA graphics.
  • This option is independent of option 1 above.

1. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel (for example, from the context menu on the screen or the notification icon).

2. Click the Set up multiple displays link in Display on the left.

Picture 3 of Instructions to remove the screen from the desktop in Windows 10

 Click the Set up multiple displays link.

3. In the Select the displays section you want to use on the right, select (restore) or deselect (remove) the screen, depending on what you want and click Apply.

Picture 4 of Instructions to remove the screen from the desktop in Windows 10

 Select (restore) or deselect (remove) the screen.

4. Click Yes in the Apply Changes dialog box when prompted to confirm.

Note : If needed, the changes will revert automatically after 20 seconds if you wait and don't click Yes before the time is up.

Picture 5 of Instructions to remove the screen from the desktop in Windows 10

 Click Yes in the Apply Changes dialog box when prompted to confirm.

5. You can now close the NVIDIA Control Panel if desired.

  • How to add / remove trusted devices for Microsoft accounts
  • Ways to rescue data when USB requires Format
Update 13 May 2020



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