New tumor detection technique

Scientists in the UK have developed a new sugar technique to detect tumors from MRI magnetic resonance imaging, according to Health24 July 8.

Scientists in the UK have developed a new sugar technique to detect tumors from MRI magnetic resonance imaging, according to Health24 July 8.

Picture 1 of New tumor detection technique

Cancer cell - (Photo: Shutterstock)

That's the glucoCEST technique of scientists at the University of London (UK).

This technique is based on the fact that tumors consume more glucose (glucose is a type of sugar) to develop, compared to other healthy, normal tissues.

The team used radio waves to mark the amount of glucose and inject them into the body. When an MRI scan, glucose consumption causes the tumor to produce a glowing image.

This is a new, safer and simpler technique than current radiation techniques to detect tumors, said Dr. Simon Walker-Samuel, who led the study.

The study was published in Nature Medicine.

Update 14 December 2018



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