Strange girl with syndrome

An English female student was suffering from a strange disease, which made her fall asleep suddenly for a week in a row.

An English female student was suffering from a strange disease, which made her fall asleep suddenly for a week in a row.

According to the Daily Mail , Poppy Shingleton, 24, a nursing student, is among the only 1,000 people in the world who have Kleine-Levin syndrome, or " sleep beauty " syndrome. Her story is similar to the fairy tale " Sleeping Beauty " but still has no end to the appearance of a handsome prince.

Picture 1 of Strange girl with syndrome

Due to the rare Kleine-Levin syndrome, Poppy Shingleton often falls asleep
all of a sudden, sometimes up to a week. (Photo: Caters News Agency).

Shingleton said: " I used to sleep through my 18th birthday. I didn't plan on something spectacular, but I wanted to go out and have fun with my friends . I I also slept through Christmas and didn't wake up until after the New Year, which disappointed me and felt like I had a disadvantage in the society, my friends would talk about holidays for weeks. but then I missed it . "

Shingleton is currently studying at the University of Southampton to get close to his parents who are all members of the city. She revealed: " My parents will come and pick me up if I fall into a sleepy state. I had to quit school in the second year. I missed a lot of things at the university, I was left behind and failing to complete all subjects ".

Shingleton began to have a sleep disorder when she was 18 years old . Having a strange disease means that she has to miss many weeks of study each time and is forced to retake the certificate A. After many times going to the hospital, until last year, sleep experts at the Hospital Chelsea and Westminster Institute recently diagnosed her with Kleine-Levin syndrome.

The medical community still does not know the cause of the disease and has not found a way to cure it . However, the " sleeping beauty " syndrome can be controlled by using a combination of stimulant drugs to keep awake and sleeping pills to help get better quality sleep. Most people overcome the disease after a certain time.

Update 14 December 2018



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