A Dutch organization said it would take people to permanently settle on Mars in 2027.

To realize the ambition to conquer the red planet in the future, scientists around the world have experimented with spacecraft like flying saucers, the world's most powerful

A non-profit private company called Mars One (in the Netherlands) has been planning to recruit 4 people to make a permanent flight to Mars and will never return.

The Mars One nonprofit organization wants to send experimental packages to the red planet, which includes the first interplanetary advertisements in human history.

The Mars One program with the goal of bringing people from Earth to conquer Mars has been very dramatic. To date, 706 people are competing for the first 4 levels to travel to the

In the introductory clip of Mars One program to bring people to live permanently in Mars, a candidate said he joined the program because he wanted to challenge himself.

After the first round of rigorous selection, Mars One Organization (Netherlands) has selected 1,058 candidates from many parts of the world for the permanent settlement program on

Citizens of 140 countries around the world want to go to Mars, hoping to create the first human settlements on the planet.

Currently, more than 100,000 people in the world are eager to live on Mars, including about 30,000 Americans.

The Mars One's