The hearing impaired can still use the phone
The phone network was unknowingly
The phone network has accidentally "abandoned" millions of people with hearing problems in the world. Mobile devices, PDAs with large screens haven't solved the problem because of slow data transfer speeds. MobileASL project promises to overcome this situation.
MobileASL has been developed by the University of Washington (USA) to support wireless communication with American Sign Language (ASL) via mobile phones.
Currently, even the best video decoder for phones is not enough to help deaf people "translate" the ASL language on the device. Meanwhile, Washington University experts have compressed video in real time and ensured that content transmitted over the wireless network maintains quality for users to understand ASL easily.
This video compression technology will appear shortly. MobileASL development team is designing ASL decoder compatible with H.264 / AVC standard.
Mobile video call for ASL users.Photo: .
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