The little-known use of lotus and lotus leaves

Leaves and lotus are considered precious medicinal herbs from ancient times, curing many diseases brought about by modern life.

Leaves and lotus are considered precious medicinal herbs from ancient times, curing many diseases brought about by modern life.

20 uses of leaves and lotus according to the recent announcement by herbalist Paul Haider.

1. Reduce cholesterol

Lotus leaf tea and lotus tea are good for reducing blood cholesterol levels by preventing fat absorption.

2. Control blood sugar

Lotus leaves help regulate blood sugar levels in a stable manner, fight hyperglycemia and diabetic lipid disorders.

3. Reduce blood fat

Lotus leaf contains many substances that eliminate the amount of fat in the blood such as tannin, alcaloid, nuciferin, vitamin C, citric, tartric, succinic .

Picture 1 of The little-known use of lotus and lotus leaves

Leaves and lotus bring many health benefits.

4. Reduce stress

Everyday drinking a few cups of lotus tea is one of the best ways to help you relax, calm, worry and bring about a peaceful feeling.

5. Anti-heartburn

Lotus leaf tea and lotus tea reduce stomach acid when the acidity rises, helping to heal stomach ulcers.

6. Lower blood pressure

Instead of using antihypertensive drugs, you should use lotus leaf tea to be more effective and safe.

7. Improve fertility

Using lotus tea regularly helps strong men treat premature ejaculation, and women will see that "red lights" are no longer an obsession but become softer. It is better for women who are in menstruation or pregnant to stop drinking lotus leaf tea.

8. Cooling

According to Chinese medicine, lotus tea helps to cool and treat summer diseases, cooling internal organs.

9. Beauty skin

From the Ayurvedic medicine perspective of the Indians (the system uses the inherent principle of nature to help maintain human health), the lotus is ground into a paste, applied to the skin that has a feeding effect. Nourishing and regenerating skin cells make skin always youthful and smooth. Lotus essential oil makes the body produce more melanin, helping to protect the skin from sun damage.

10. Prevent cancer

Lotus contains large amounts of vitamin C as a powerful antioxidant that helps the body prevent cancer and other dangerous diseases such as cardiovascular, stroke.

11. Cure anemia

Lotus petals contain many very effective ingredients in blood cell regeneration. Therefore, using lotus to make medicine, make effective cure for anemia.

12. Strong bones

Phosphorus in lotus is an important good factor that helps strong bones and anti-osteoporosis in the elderly.

13. Preventing heart disease

Lotus leaves contain antioxidants that increase blood flow to the heart and lower blood pressure.

14. Anti-inflammatory

Lotus leaf tea is an excellent medicine to fight inflammation, redness, swelling, and pain. When injured, you can effectively use a pinch of lotus leaf hemostatic tea.

Picture 2 of The little-known use of lotus and lotus leaves

15. Lose weight

Regular use of lotus leaf tea will give you a slim physique. Lotus leaf contains L - Carotene which increases metabolism and prevents absorption of starch and fat.

16. Antifungal and antibacterial

Crushing the lotus leaf to apply to the area of ​​fungal skin, inflammation can help heal skin, kill fungus.

17. Enhance immunity

Lotus contains lots of linoleic acid - important substances to prevent heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, strengthen the immune system.

18. Anti-oxidant

Lotus and lotus leaves contain many powerful antioxidants such as nuciferine, lotusine, demethyl coclaurine neferin, which help prevent cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer, maintain the body's youthfulness.

19. astringent

Lotus leaf tea has astringent to prevent internal bleeding, treat bloody urination, bloody bowel movement .

20. Removal of mucus

If you often have problems related to the respiratory tract, colds, sinusitis, lotus leaf tea should be used as it works to remove harmful mucus from the body.

Update 15 December 2018



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