Treatment of pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are not only a funny and nutritious snack in the traditional Tet holiday but also provide a lot of health benefits.
Pumpkin seeds are not only a funny and nutritious snack in the traditional Tet holiday but also provide a lot of health benefits.
Protect prostate
They support prostate health and reduce the difficulty of urination due to prostate enlargement.
Improve bladder function
In some studies, pumpkin seed extract may help improve bladder function.
Treatment of depression
Because of L-tryptophan, a natural anti-depressant compound.
Prevent osteoporosis
Because it is rich in zinc, pumpkin seeds are one of the natural defense against osteoporosis. The lack of zinc causes the risk of osteoporosis.
Natural anti-inflammatory
Pumpkin seeds help reduce inflammation without causing side effects like anti-inflammatory drugs.
Prevent kidney stones
They prevent the formation of calcium oxalate in the kidneys.
Treatment of parasitic infections
They are used by many cultures around the world as one of the natural deworming drugs as well as other parasites. Studies also show that they fight schistosomiasis, a parasite that lives in slugs.
Abundant source of magnesium
Half a cup of pumpkin seeds contains 92% of the daily magnesium.
Reduce cholesterol
Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols, compounds that help reduce 'bad' cholesterol levels.
- Giant pumpkin more than 700kg
- Giant pumpkin weighs more than 1 ton breaking the British record
- Pumpkin weighs 686 kg
- Pumpkin weighs more than a ton to carry by truck
- Giant pumpkin weighs more than 850kg
- Discover the world's biggest 'pumpkin' pumpkin
- Huge pumpkin thanks to 'talking to people'
- Eliminate depression, kidney stones with pumpkin juice
- Super big pumpkin weighs more than 821 kg
- Growing giant pumpkins, weighing nearly 1 ton
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