Visit the 'nightmare' room where 10,000 spiders live

Spiders are scary, just seeing one is enough to make us goosebumps. Yet scientists at Oxford University (UK) always have to live and work with ... 10,000 spiders in a room.

Have you ever imagined living in a room with 10,000 spiders? If not, don't try to imagine !!!

Spiders are scary, just seeing one is enough to make us goosebumps. Yet scientists at Oxford University (UK) always have to live and work with . 10,000 spiders in a room.

And it seems that to increase the macabre, the scientists even studied the specialized carnivorous spiders!

The nightmare room!

The University of Oxford's insect lab is a place for money and no one dares to visit. Because this is the place to keep more than 10,000 of the most cruel spiders, can eat even the same kind. And yet, it is also home to dozens of other insects, including "very foot" species like centipedes.

Picture 1 of Visit the 'nightmare' room where 10,000 spiders live

The insect swallowing lab confines more than 10,000 unique spiders.

This is a special room, not only because of what it contains, but also the decoration: the wall is always painted in dark colors, to make the other insects feel safe. Besides, the door of the room is designed as a hatch of a submarine, very big and heavy.

That door used to cause many students to cry with tears when they collapsed because they could not be opened manually.

Picture 2 of Visit the 'nightmare' room where 10,000 spiders live

The assassins hide in the room.

There are many things we cannot know if just passing through the room. Inside there are spiders that can hear your noise from far away.

In addition, some spiders also have the ability to cleverly disguise themselves, turning themselves into leaves.

Picture 3 of Visit the 'nightmare' room where 10,000 spiders live

There are at least 18 species of spiders among them capable of hiding themselves.

There are at least 18 species of spiders among them capable of hiding themselves. They can hide in shoes or blankets that you can't detect. Not stopping there, even some species of spiders are able to swim and hunt fish like real aquatic monsters.

The reason exists for the nightmare room

If these spiders are so dangerous, why do scientists keep them here?

In fact, Oxford University is following a new "trend" in the scientific world, when instead of choosing sheep or mice as experimental subjects, they are looking to scary little friends capable of hunting on land. .

Picture 4 of Visit the 'nightmare' room where 10,000 spiders live

Spiders are considered suitable for this "movement" .

Spiders are considered suitable for this "movement" . Not only by behavior in life, but spiders also carry in themselves some types of human-like genes, called Pax-6. This is the genome for the spider's eyes.

Many scientists believe that we can give spider eyes to humans if they are implanted with the Pax-6 gene .

Picture 5 of Visit the 'nightmare' room where 10,000 spiders live

Spiders and humans carry the same genome.

Besides, the study of spiders also helps the research of genes and the genetic ability of humans. As you know above, spiders and humans carry the same genome. So in order to delve into this area, scientists need to have gene embryos for testing, and spiders are the simplest and "economical" option .

Spider research has made significant breakthroughs in recent years. Specifically, the research results have helped scientists have more clues in treating heart disease and slowing down the aging process.

Picture 6 of Visit the 'nightmare' room where 10,000 spiders live

Proteins in spider venom are contributing significantly to the treatment of brain damage.

In addition, proteins found in spider venom are contributing significantly to the treatment of brain damage, muscular dystrophy or "weak physiological" disease in men.

Update 16 December 2018



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