What happens if you eat onions every day?

Onions are commonly known for supporting heart, bone, and gut health, but there are more benefits than many people might be surprised at.

Onions are commonly known for supporting heart, bone, and gut health, but there are more benefits than many people might be surprised at.

Increase fertility in men

Picture 1 of What happens if you eat onions every day?

Some studies have shown that onions can naturally increase the amount of testosterone in the blood. Not only good for overall health, but also improving libido, preventing erectile dysfunction thanks to sulfide ingredients, which help control cholesterol, balance blood pressure and help blood circulate easily.

Onions contain phytochemicals that strengthen the immune system and help men stay supple, increase stamina, and fight harmful diseases.

Cure sinusitis

Picture 2 of What happens if you eat onions every day?

Onions include vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which make the blood passages in the nose less sensitive, loosen the passages in the nose, and help us breathe easier.

You just need to take half of an onion and place it right under your nostrils, then inhale.

Prevents depression and improves mood

Picture 3 of What happens if you eat onions every day?

Onions contain something called folate, which is another word for vitamin B9. This vitamin helps prevent depression and improve mood by breaking down an amino acid, called homocysteine. This type of amino acid inhibits the body from making pleasant hormones.

Chewing raw onions to prevent tooth decay

Picture 4 of What happens if you eat onions every day?

Onions can prevent internal diseases, while also benefiting oral health. Chewing onions helps strengthen teeth, prevent bacteria in the mouth.

Just chewing a little onion for 2-3 minutes can prevent bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Cold room

Picture 5 of What happens if you eat onions every day?

Cut onions into pieces, soak in drinking water for 6-8 hours, drink 3-4 tablespoons three times a day, will help strengthen resistance, prevent common colds.

Prevent ear pain

Picture 6 of What happens if you eat onions every day?

The ear is one of the most sensitive organs of the body. They can be sore from loud noises, tinnitus from sitting on an airplane. You can cook onions in water until softened. Place the sliced ​​onion on a piece of cloth, then place it close to your ear.

Update 21 March 2022



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