10 habits of cooking and eating food make the nutritionist bored

Unexpectedly, there are many familiar foods that we are eating the wrong way. Here are 10 examples and suggestions to help you get more out of them.

When it comes to nutrition for a perfect health, food selection is very important. However, even if you choose a very healthy food, how to process and eat them will determine whether you will benefit from them or not.

Unexpectedly, there are many familiar foods that we are eating the wrong way. Here are 10 examples and suggestions to help you get more out of them:

1. Are you fried green cauliflower?

When you have a green cauliflower, what are you going to do? Most of us will think of fried food immediately. But a study by Chinese scientists indicated that stir-frying broccoli lost up to 24% of the vitamin C contained in it. Sauté also reduces the content of chlorophyll, soluble protein and sugar.

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In addition, a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry also found that broccoli in fried foods will lose up to 67% of carotenoids, a healthy antioxidant nourishing group. Most likely high temperatures have caused carotenoids to be denatured.

So now, if you have a green cauliflower, how should you prepare it? Scientists point out that steaming is the most optimal method to retain nutrition in this superfood.

In case you still want a stir-fry dish, why not steam the broccoli and mix it with the remaining ingredients to be fried, after the pan has turned off the fire? This procedure will still help you keep the nutrition of green cauliflower, but the stir-fry flavor is still covered on it.

2. You do not soak beans before processing

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A simple formula like this: The more you extend the processing time, the more nutrients you lose, Dr. Guy Crosby, nutrition professor at TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University. said. That's what happens when you don't soak beans before cooking.

"By soaking beans in water, adding a little salt and leaving them overnight, the beans of the beans will be softened, reducing the time you need to cook them," said Dr. Crosby. According to a review in International Food and Food Science magazine, soaking beans in salt water will help reduce 53% of the time it takes to cook them.

3. You only eat raw tomatoes

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Do you always believe that you have taken advantage of the health benefits of tomatoes when eating it together with sandwiches? Not really, science has shown that cooked tomatoes are really nutritious . " Main tomatoes allow lycopene to be absorbed into your blood four times more than raw tomatoes," Dr. Crosby said.

Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant. During the tomato cooking process, lycopene will be separated from the protein, allowing a greater amount to be absorbed by the body. That is why cooking tomatoes are a powerful anti-cancer food.

4. Don't rush garlic and onions into the pan

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After chopping garlic and onions, you should not straighten them into a hot pan. Try to endure a little more tears. The reason because plant compounds and anti-cancer are released when the cell walls of garlic or onions are broken.
Wait a few more minutes, the compound will have more time to exit. But if you give them immediate exposure to high temperatures, these release reactions will stop, says Dr. Crosby.

5. You don't eat cauliflower stems

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When you quit eating the cauliflower body, nutritionists will feel very regretful. Nutritious cauliflower bodies include: fiber, vitamin C and calcium, even more than their cotton.

6. You believe that boiled vegetables are the healthiest - Not

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When you boil vegetables in boiling water, you are also taking our nutrients out. Plus, heating too much can make them flake. A solution that you can try instead of boiling, grill them in the oven. This way of processing helps fruits and vegetables taste better and also retains their appearance.

However, there is an exception of carrots. A study in the Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food shows that boiled carrots increase lutein absorption, making our eyes healthy. Besides, boiled carrots do not reduce the content of beta-carotene, a compound that is also good for eye and skin health.

7. You throw the pineapple core

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"You may not like to eat the pineapple core, but you can use them as a source to add bromelain, which works to reduce inflammation," said Elizabeth Elizabeth, a health care consultant for know.

Shaw suggested pineapple core can be soaked in a water bottle. By doing so, you have just benefited from bromelain and a way to remind yourself to drink more water. Pineapple core can also be cooked, or if you don't want to waste time, cut small pieces and eat them raw.

8. Orange and tangerine . you just eat it and remove the shell

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The bark of the fruits of oranges, lemons and tangerines also contains a large amount of nutrition. Although the taste is not as sweet as the fruit flesh inside, orange peels, tangerines or lemons contain many plant compounds and fiber.

You can note this the next time you call fresh lemon juice, a little lemon peel will provide more health effects but the taste is not so bad.

9. You don't smash garlic

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If you leave the cloves whole, they will provide less antioxidants. As mentioned, chopping garlic is a way to release compounds by breaking down cell walls. Moreover, this also makes you get more aroma and flavor for your food.

10. You think the herbs are dry or fresh

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Dried herbs are better than no herbs. Of course it is, but the chopped dry parsley packages will not be suitable for many dishes. Dried herbs may be an option to make sauces and soups. It can also be combined with many spices to marinate meat.

But in the case of things like fresh fish, you should combine it with fresh herbs. Another option is frozen herbs, at least it is a way to preserve the flavor and health benefits of fresh herbs better than chopped and packaged dried herbs.

Update 15 December 2018



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