Health-promoting foods in the winter

There are many ways to help you improve your health in the winter, such as warming, regular exercise and, of course, you can't give up a rich diet.

Here are 10 foods to help you improve your health in the winter according to Askmen page:

1. Garlic

Picture 1 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

Wear is not a food grown in the winter, but garlic can be dried for use all year round. Scientific studies have found that garlic is rich in allicin, which helps prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. In addition, garlic also acts as a stimulant for digestion and anti-bloating.

2. Green radish

Picture 2 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

Surely you've heard about green radish, but you don't know the nutritional content of this food yet. Health experts say a green radish cup can provide 100% A and K vitamins, 55% vitamin C, 27% folate and about 10% calcium for your body's daily needs. In addition, green radish is also rich in antioxidants that have very effective anti-inflammatory effects.

3. Garlic

Picture 3 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

Like onions and garlic, leeks are also rich in allium. Phytonutrient as well as vitamins A, B6, C, and minerals such as folate and iron help boost the immune system. In addition, this vegetable also has a lot of polyphenol antioxidants that protect blood vessel walls, prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

4. Sweet potatoes

Picture 4 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

With low calorie content, no fat, neutral sugar content and rich in dietary fiber and protein, sweet potatoes are a rewarding food for people who want to lose weight and those with kidney or cardiovascular disease . In addition to fiber, sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins A, C and B6, as well as potassium and manganese.

5. Broccoli

Picture 5 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

Broccoli tastes slightly bitter, but this vegetable has a very high nutrient content. Broccoli is rich in vitamins A, C, K, and folate as well as calcium manganese and iron minerals. This type of food also contains a lot of lutein - an antioxidant that helps protect the aging face and macular degeneration.

6. Chestnuts

Picture 6 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

Malnutrition is a very popular food on Christmas and New Year. These nuts are rich in B vitamins, potassium, copper and manganese, which help strengthen muscles especially in men. In addition, chestnuts also have a lot of vitamin C, which helps reduce the risk of flu in the winter.

7. Cabbage

Picture 7 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

Cabbage is a very popular vegetable in the winter. This winter food is rich in vitamins A, B6, C and K to boost the immune system and fight inflammation. In addition, cabbages also contain substances that can prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

8. Grapefruit

Picture 8 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

This delicious fruit contains a lot of sweet sugar which is an ideal drink in the winter. Grapefruit contains not only vitamin C but also rich in lycopene - an antioxidant found in green tea. According to scientific studies, lycopene works to prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer in men.

9. Brussels sprouts

Picture 9 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

Brussels sprouts contain 50% more vitamin C than oranges. In addition to vitamin C, Brussels sprouts also contain a lot of nitrogen compounds that effectively prevent some types of cancer and fight inflammation. Brussels sprouts are also rich in vitamins K, fiber, manganese and folate.

10. Pumpkin

Picture 10 of Health-promoting foods in the winter

Pumpkin is a fairly cheap food and has a very high nutritional value. This food is rich in vitamin A in the form of beta carotin - an antioxidant that works against cancer and cardiovascular disease. You can make pumpkins into boiled, fried, soup or soup dishes.