Strange creatures that look like 'giant dragonflies' attract thousands of viewers

Nicole Doctor was walking with his dog when he spotted a pitiful beetle 'writhing violently' on the brick floor.

Nicole Doctor was walking with his dog when he spotted a pitiful beetle 'writhing violently' on the brick floor. This creature appears in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

The blue creature that appeared in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) looks like a 'giant mutant dragonfly' trying desperately to survive.

'I noticed immediately when it was about 1.5m away because it wriggled violently. When I got closer, I saw the ants were full of their backs, maybe trying to eat them , " Nicole said.

Nicole decided to record what she was seeing. These graphic designer photographs show the creature with a long, flat body with two wings lying close to the head and unable to move.

'Its eyes are on the sides of the head, similar to those of a hammerhead,' says Nicole.

Picture 1 of Strange creatures that look like 'giant dragonflies' attract thousands of viewers

The bizarre looking creature is said to be aphid with defective wings

"Its wings are wet and stick together, dragged across the ground. Looking at its wings, I think this is a mutant dragonfly. Its 4 antennae are very long but 2 of them look like 2 Its tail reminds me of a fish's tail and its legs are like cockroaches.

If I had to describe it, I thought it was a mix of cockroach and dragonfly but the size of a centipede. It was both scary and pitiful, " Nicole said

Nicole shared the pictures she took on social networks and has attracted more than 10,000 views, nearly 1,000 comments.

Some people believe that the insect she sees is a species of aphid , a large winged insect, which can be up to 15cm long. An insect expert thinks that the animal's appearance is very bad.

Lyle Buss, of the Laboratory for Insect Identification, University of Florida, said: ' This is a water bug in the eastern United States. The long beard indicates it is an adult male.

They are like butterflies, emerging from nymphs and need time for the wings to dry completely to fly. '

Nicole said she returned the next day but did not see any strange creatures.

Aphids have a completely variable life cycle. After hatching from eggs, aphid larvae can live in rivers and streams for up to 7 years before coming inland to pull cocoons and become water bugs. Adult water aphids only live a few days, enough time to mate and lay eggs.

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Update 13 May 2020



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