Strange things make people's dreams

For a long time, the dream has always been a mystery to the world's scientists.

For a long time, the dream has always been a mystery to the world's scientists. "Change your dream", surely you will not believe it because because the dream is so mysterious, come and go, do not follow any rules, rules that people want.

You start your dream with an image of a party but only a few moments as if you were running away. So far, no one has answered why there are such things. But one thing is certain, scientists know what can change our dreams.

1. Earth's magnetic field

Magnetism is an integral part of the Earth. Although invisible, it is a shield to protect the world from energy-rich particles emanating from the Sun. At the same time, Earth's magnetic field also helps some species such as ants, migratory birds, turtles and sharks . navigate.

However, few people know, magnetism also makes the dream of people become strange, crazy. Maybe you are dreaming of a party when you suddenly find yourself lying on the long sandy beach, or being attacked by thugs .

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Maybe you are dreaming between a fairy scene .

After 8 years of research, psychologist Darren Lipnicki found the cause of this effect, the relationship between magnetism and melatonin - the hormone that controls human sleep.

Accordingly, the pineal gland - the body's production site for melatonin - can sense changes in the Earth's magnetic field. However, instead of using that ability to navigate like animals, humans use it to regulate their biological clock. High magnetic fields will cause the pineal gland to release more melatonin.

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. but suddenly found myself facing death .

From there, he came to the conclusion: 'Sleeping in a place with a low magnetic field will easily have crazy dreams, while sleeping in places with high magnetic fields, the dream will often have many positive and clear meanings. '.

2. Play electronic

Lucid dream, also known as 'dreaming' or the phenomenon of making dreams come true. Simply understood, it is a dream that the dreamer can fully control everything at his or her own will. However, 'lucid dream' requires a high level of unconscious control so not everyone can do it.

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The person who controlled "lucid dream" possessed great power

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. and gamers have a lot of potential to reach that power

Yet gamers have this special ability. Expert Jayne Gackenbach's record of research results for a decade shows that people who play video games have a much higher number of dreams than ordinary people.

This expert explained that the experience of many electronic games makes gamers tend to "be more violent" , easier to cope with unexpected situations and nightmares. In other words, gaming is a way to exercise the ability to control imagination for the human brain, thereby increasing the 'alertness' when dreaming.

3. Scent

The surrounding environment affects every person's dreams, and one of them is the scent. German scientists conducted an experiment on 15 subjects in REM Eye (Rapid Eye Movement) - the period when people sleep most and the dream will appear.

Specifically, while the volunteers slept, experts pumped into two different scents: rose scent and rotten egg smell. When volunteers woke up, they were asked to report what they dreamed of.

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Sleep with rose fragrance will give a beautiful and sweet dream

The results showed that those who smell the smell of sleeping rotten eggs encounter a bad and negative dream than those who inhale rose scent. This proves that the scent has a big influence on each person's dream.

Scientists explain that the cause of the phenomenon is because the scent affects the central nervous system. The odor signal directly accesses the subconscious area of ​​the brain, thereby affecting emotions, moods and memory even when we are sleeping.

4. Creativity

In fact, there are those who, after sleep, cannot remember what they dreamed of, but on the contrary, there are people who can tell about what happens in sleep. What is the difference between them? The answer is creativity.

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Creativity makes a difference in people's dreams

An expert in psychology David Watson of the University of Iowa (USA) conducted an experiment on 193 students within 14 weeks and proved it. Specifically, the experiment requires students to report on their daily dreams and scientists based on them for analysis.

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There are almost no barriers between dreams and reality in creative people

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. so they are people who remember everything they dreamed of

The conclusion was given by David Watson: 'There are barriers, differences in the experience of the world during the day and in sleep. However, for those who are creative, daydreaming, the barrier is negligible and they are easy to overcome. ' This also means that creators are better able to remember the dreams they have experienced.

Update 18 December 2018



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