The worst time for lunch that many people have

Pay attention to lunch time so the diet and sports practice don't become

Pay attention to the lunch time to diet and exercise without becoming "cup"!

When is lunch good?

When we were still in school, we were always reminded of lunch time with the bell rang. However, once leaving the school to go to work, there is no bell to remind the time to lunch again. Not to mention, the endless meetings and the spirit of "trying to finish it" made many times you "raise your face" more than half an afternoon.

Picture 1 of The worst time for lunch that many people have

Eating after 3 pm will increase the risk of obesity and make all your diets or sports practices become "good".

It is this fact that has formed the "worst time" for lunch that office workers have very often. According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating after 3 pm will increase the risk of obesity and make all your diets or sports practice become "good work." ".

Scientifically, this is explained by whether you are hungry or full and are controlled by biological rhythms . Therefore, when you eat too late compared to normal circadian rhythms, your body will take longer to release calories.

In other words, if you let it come when you realize you are hungry to eat, it will be very difficult to consume the loaded calories. Not to mention, controlling food intake when "true hunger" is also a problem compared to eating on time. Consequences lead to weight gain difficult to control. So, best of all, let's have lunch between 11am and 1pm!

Note when having lunch

Picture 2 of The worst time for lunch that many people have

Do not eat while working or look at the phone, computer.

In addition, to ensure a reasonable lunch helps balance your physique and avoid affecting the digestive apparatus, you should also note the following:

  • Drink 1 cup of small water before eating to soothe hunger and reduce the feeling of wanting to overeat.
  • Do not eat while working or look at the phone, computer.
  • Prepare lunch at home to ensure calories and balance the nutrients that the body consumes.
  • When you finish eating, do not lie down or sit on your seat, instead, you can stand up and walk around to avoid abdominal fat accumulation.
Update 15 December 2018



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