Why do so many people suffer from dry mouth and bitterness when they wake up in the morning?

Our mouths may reflect many health problems, but they are often overlooked. When you wake up, you have dry mouth and bitterness is one of such manifestations.

When you wake up in the morning, if your mouth is dry and bitter, drinking a glass of water will improve that situation. If you look closely, you will see that this situation is not a common occurrence, but only occasionally. What is the reason, you need to understand it.

Causes of dry mouth when waking up in the morning

  • Define the reason
  • 1. Lack of trace elements, especially vitamin B2
  • 2. Bacteria accumulate
  • 3. Liver problems
  • 4. Problems with the spleen and stomach

Define the reason

Sometimes after waking up at night or in the morning, you feel your mouth is very dry and bitter, which may be due to your diet.

If you eat too many spicy or strongly flavored foods (too salty, too sweet .) the previous day, your body will consume more water, which will inevitably lead to dry mouth and Bitter at night or the next morning.

After waking up, drink a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth, you will feel more comfortable.

However, if you experience this often every morning or every night, causing you to wake up to drink water in the middle of your sleep, then it may not be just because of food problems or too little water. You should then consider body health issues.

Picture 1 of Why do so many people suffer from dry mouth and bitterness when they wake up in the morning?

If you eat a lot of spicy foods or have a strong taste, you will definitely feel dry the next day.

1. Lack of trace elements, especially vitamin B2

One of the problems is some trace elements are missing in the body, such as vitamin B2. Many people do not know much about vitamin B2. This is a vitamin that can be lost when protein is lost and needs to be supplemented through food.

If the diet is too choosy, the body has less vitamin B2 and directly affects the growth and development of the body and causes oral cavity problems, affecting the quality of sleep

Vitamin B2 is mainly found in plant foods such as animal organs, kelp, mushrooms . The diet should be balanced and not a part for picky eaters.

2. Bacteria accumulate

Although we brush our teeth every morning and evening, it is still difficult to avoid bacteria from accumulating in the mouth. A large amount of bacteria will cause teeth to be covered with yellow plaque.

This not only makes the breath smell bad, but also makes the mouth dry and bitter. Some people brush their teeth improperly, often brushing horizontally can easily cause gingivitis. If you have gingivitis, dry mouth and bitterness are more common at night.

3. Liver problems

There is also a problem with the liver. People with liver heat are usually awakened at 1-2 am because of the dry, bitter mouth. This is because heat in the liver will disrupt the digestive function, undigested food will be broken down by bacteria, causing bad smell and dryness, bitter mouth.

4. Problems with the spleen and stomach

In addition, problems of the spleen and stomach may also be the cause of this condition. If the spleen and stomach are not working properly, food intake cannot be digested quickly and the same thing happens when the liver has a problem.

You can cook porridge with ingredients such as millet and barley, which is very helpful for regulating the spleen and stomach, improving sleep quality.

  • Dry eye dry mouth syndrome
  • The usual cure for the cold season is to keep the mouth dry
Update 13 February 2020



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