You are throwing away the first pharmaceutical preventative cancer

There are food

There are " delicious and beautiful " foods that have the potential to cause cancer to consumers. On the contrary, having food that is often thrown into the trash has a " special " effect.

Eggplant shell

Thanks to a large amount of fiber, eggplant is particularly useful in preventing colon cancer . When moving through the gastrointestinal tract, it tends to absorb toxins and chemicals that can cause disease.

Many people like to eat eggplant with shells. However, nutrition experts recommend not peeling eggplant when processing because some studies found that eggplant shells may contain more fiber than the stem.

Picture 1 of You are throwing away the first pharmaceutical preventative cancer

Eggplant shell helps prevent colon cancer.

Not only that, the dark purple color in the skin is proof that it contains a lot of powerful antioxidants to protect brain cells and control lipid fat content.


Picture 2 of You are throwing away the first pharmaceutical preventative cancer

Fish scales enhance memory capacity and slow down the aging process of brain cells.

Scales account for 3% of body weight. Scientists have found fish scales that contain a lot of lecithin that enhance brain memory and slow down the aging process of brain cells.

Not only that, fish scales also contain unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce the cholesterol in the blood vessel walls, causing narrowing of blood vessels, keeping blood circulation clear.

Fish scales have the effect of preventing blood diseases such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular obstruction, hypertension, cerebral bleeding .

Finally, it also contains a lot of calcium and a very high phosphorus content, which helps prevent rickets in children, osteoporosis and fractures in the elderly.

Soybean residue

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Soybean meal prevents cancer and is good for the heart.

Since ancient times, soybean residue has been used a lot in traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean dishes. Since the beginning of the 20th century, this " excess " material has been widely used in Western vegetarian dishes.

Vietnamese people still have a habit of throwing beans in the process of making soy milk. Soybean meal does not contain cholesterol, so it is good for patients with high blood pressure and high blood fat.

Soybean meal has a high fiber content, including soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber has an anti-constipation effect, prevents colon cancer, colon cancer, anti-obesity and diabetes.

In addition, soybean residues also contain isoflavones capable of preventing many types of cancer and cardiovascular disease .

Tangerine fiber

Picture 4 of You are throwing away the first pharmaceutical preventative cancer

Tangerine fibers reduce the risk of diabetes.

Usually when you eat tangerines, most of us have a habit of removing all the tangerine fibers because it is not appetizing and has no effect.

In fact, many scientists have demonstrated that tangerine fiber contains rutin, capable of circulating blood , removing plaque on blood vessels, good for the brain and reducing the risk of diabetes, stroke, cancer. stomach letter .

Tangerine fiber is also effective in treating tragically imperfections, coughing in the chest, coughing up blood .

Update 15 December 2018



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