18 secrets to long life

Regularly taking a nap, choosing a wise friend, getting married, making a helmet and wearing a seatbelt ... is easy to do to extend life.

Regularly taking a nap, choosing a wise friend, getting married, making a helmet and wearing a seatbelt . is easy to do to extend life.

>>>7 golden principles for long life

A healthy diet and regular exercise are sure to help improve your longevity, but there are other, less noticeable factors that will also help extend your life. Discover the secrets below:

Protect your DNA source

As we age, the ends of the chromosomes, called telomeres, become shorter. This makes people susceptible to disease. You think you can't do anything to change this, but a recent study shows the opposite. An introductory study shows that changing lifestyles promote an enzyme that increases the length of the chromosome clue. Another study also found that diet and exercise can protect these clues. Therefore, healthy habits can slow down aging at the cellular level.

Live virtue

An 80-year study shows that one of the best ways to predict life expectancy is to look at a person's personality. Researchers measure attributes such as interest in persistence and perseverance. They find that people with conscience do more to protect their health and make choices to go to better relationships and better careers.

Make friend

Science gives you one more reason to be grateful to your friends - they can help you live longer. Australian researchers claim that older people with more friends are less likely to die in a 10-year period than the least. The analysis of results from 148 studies also supports the relationship between many social relationships and life expectancy.

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Artwork: Mccartanandcompany.com

Choose you wise

"Near the ink, black is near the light," right in this case. When you play with people who have a healthy lifestyle, you are also contagious. Studies show that obesity is a form of community infection - the likelihood of a person becoming obese increases by about 57% if you are obese. Smoking is also a habit that is easy to spread through friendships, but the good news is that quitting smoking is also easy to have an impact.

Quit smoking

There is nothing surprising about quitting that can prolong your life but the age of how much at each age of quitting makes you surprised. According to a 50-year study in the UK, quitting smoking at the age of 30 can help increase your life expectancy by up to a decade. Quitting smoking at the age of 40, 50 or 60 helps you live an additional 9 - 3 - 3 years respectively.

Enhance napping

There is scientific evidence that regular napping helps you live longer. A recent study with 24,000 participants showed that those who regularly took a nap were 37% less likely to die of heart disease than those with less naps. Researchers say this nap can help the heart by reducing stress hormones.

Make a Mediterranean-style diet

The Mediterranean diet is a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, olive oil and fish. An analysis of 50 studies with more than half a million people showed the impressive benefits of this diet. The results show that it significantly reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome - a combination of obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and other factors that increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Eat like Okinawan people (Japan)

Residents of Okinawa, Japan once had the highest average life expectancy in the world. Researchers believe that one of the reasons is the traditional diet in this area, with high amounts of green and yellow vegetables. Some Okinawans have a habit of eating only 80% of their dishes. When young people no longer eat in this tradition, the life expectancy in Okinawa is reduced.


Some studies show that married people often live longer than single people. While those who are married have the highest benefit, those who are divorced or widowed are at the average, and the lowest are those who have never married.

Weight loss

If you're overweight, losing weight can protect you against diabetes, heart disease and some other diseases that shorten your life. Belly fat is especially dangerous, so pay attention to reducing this area. A five-year study with Hispanis and African-Americans suggests eating high fiber and regular exercise are effective ways to reduce belly fat.

Advocate a lot

There is compelling evidence for this - exercise practitioners have a higher average life expectancy than those who do not exercise. According to dozens of studies, regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer and depression. Exercise can even help you get mentally strong when you get into old age. You can do intense exercise for 10 minutes a day or exercise every few days, as long as you have enough 2.5 hours of moderate exercise each week.

Moderate alcohol consumption

Heart disease is less common in people who drink moderately than those who don't drink at all. But remember that drinking too much alcohol increases belly fat, high blood pressure and can cause some other health problems. The American Heart Association recommends that, if you drink alcohol, only limit a small cup to 44ml and women to 2 cups a day for men. If you do not drink alcohol, do not drink. There are countless ways to help you protect your heart, in addition to drinking in moderation.

Towards spirituality

Research shows that people who participate in religious activities often live longer than those who never participate. In a 12-year study with people over 65, those who attended religious rituals more than once a week had a better immune system than their friends - who didn't attend. Their mortality rates were also significantly less during the study period. The strong social relations system developed among those who respect a certain faith may be the cause of this.


Ignoring the hatred is surprisingly beneficial for health. Chronic anger is related to increased lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and other diseases. Forgiveness will reduce anxiety, lower your blood pressure and make it easier for you to breathe. These benefits tend to increase as you get older.

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Use helmets and insurance belts

Accident is the fifth most common cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of death among people aged 1-24 years. Wearing a helmet, fastening a seatbelt is a simple way to increase your chances of life. For example, in a motor vehicle accident, fastening a seatbelt reduces the risk of death or serious injury by about 50%. In motorbike and bicycle accidents, most deaths are due to head injuries, so always wear a helmet.

Sleep priority

Getting enough sleep, deep sleep can reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and anxiety disorders. Getting enough sleep also helps you recover faster when you are sick. On the other hand, night wake brings serious risks to health. Sleeping less than 5 hours a night increases the risk of premature death, so prioritize sleep.

Stress control

Dr. Dean Ornish (USA) has published research showing that lifestyle changes, including stress control not only help prevent heart disease but also actually change the way it is. Avoiding stress seems to be impossible for most people but there are effective ways to control it. Yoga, meditation, deep breathing . even just a few minutes each day can make a difference.

Maintaining a meaningful life

Finding meaningful pleasures and activities for you can contribute to prolonging your life. Japanese researchers found that men with a strong purpose of living were less likely to die from stroke, heart disease and other illnesses than 13 years compared with those without a clear purpose of living. Another study at the Rush University Medical Center (USA) indicates that there is a high purpose of life related to reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Update 15 December 2018



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