5 types of diseases need to avoid eating lots of fruits

We all know that fruits contain lots of nutrients, eating fruits will be healthy.

We all know that fruits contain lots of nutrients, eating fruits will be healthy. But many people have a misconception that fruit is always healthy and eating more and more fruit is healthier.

Eating a lot of fruit can interfere with digestion and breathing, for example, eating too many oranges and tangerines will make our body heat (hot) that can lead to diseases such as neck pain, hoarseness; eating a lot of pears will damage the stomach and stomach; Eating more roses will make our bodies dry. If you have hepatitis, you should limit eating sour fruits like apricot, hawthorn (Hawthorn).

Here are 5 types of diseases caused by eating a lot of fruits:

Picture 1 of 5 types of diseases need to avoid eating lots of fruits

Eating a lot of fabrics is prone to low blood pressure

Sensitive disease: common is mango fruit and pineapple (pineapple). Some people eat these fruits when their mouths are itchy, severe and more severe than hives.

Kidney stones: eating lots of roses will cause kidney stones. Especially older people eat more pink easily cause intestinal obstruction.

Constipation: According to Chinese Medicine apple and guava, which have the effect of 'hushing', and these two fruits can also treat diarrhea, so those who suffer from constipation should not eat two kinds of fruits. this. In apples that contain Tannin and this substance is combined with Protein to make a tanned tannin protein, making the bowel work slowly and causing constipation.

Low blood pressure: eating too much cloth leads to low blood pressure and at the same time can develop diseases such as tonsillitis, sore throat. People with hypersensitivity or high blood sugar should not eat much cloth.

Difficult to digest: in durian contains many plant proteins, eating plenty of durian will cause indigestion.

Update 14 December 2018



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