9 great effects of brown rice

Brown rice is one of the cereals that has many health effects such as weight loss, cardiovascular health improvement ...

Brown rice is one of the cereals that has many health effects such as weight loss, cardiovascular health improvement .

Picture 1 of 9 great effects of brown rice

Brown rice contains compounds called lignans that help reduce risk factors for heart disease.

  • Helping you lose weight : The fiber in brown rice makes you digest longer, feels longer for a longer time, avoids cravings.
  • Beneficial for cardiovascular health : Brown rice contains compounds called lignans that help reduce risk factors for heart disease and help reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and arterial stiffness.
  • Good for diabetics : Enzymes, magnesium found in relatively high brown rice will help excrete insulin and glucose as well as balance brain functions. Since then, diabetes will be stabilized by regulating insulin.
  • Antioxidant : Brown rice is rich in powerful antioxidants that extend its protection against the harmful effects of oxygen free radicals.
  • Against Alzheimer's disease : Brown rice helps inhibit the harmful enzyme called prolyl-endopeptidase associated with Alzheimer's disease. At the same time brown rice also improves brain-related disorders and dementia.
  • Helping women prevent postpartum stress : Using brown rice during breastfeeding helps strengthen the body's resistance to stress and improves the immune system, improving overall resistance.
  • Enhance gastrointestinal function: The fiber in brown rice helps balance the intestines, limiting constipation and colitis.
  • Cardiovascular protection : Consumption of whole grains such as brown rice reduces arterial clogging due to plaque buildup. This contributes to reducing the risk of heart disorders such as high blood pressure and vascular diseases.
  • Controlling cholesterol levels : Brown rice contains beneficial nutrients that help lipid and glucose metabolism, which is a healthy option to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

White rice and brown rice, which is more nutritious?

Update 01 August 2019



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