Top 7 vegetables that are not cooked well but eaten raw will make the body poisoned

Many people like to eat raw vegetables because they think that vegetables can lose weight and avoid losing nutrients, but not all vegetables can be eaten raw.

Some vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and bell peppers are delicious when seasoned or pickled, even eaten raw. But some other vegetables must be cooked before they can be eaten.

Vegetables that should not be eaten raw

This is because to protect themselves against animals, plants have evolved and produce natural toxins. These toxins are mild and pose a threat to human and animal health, and in severe cases can cause sudden death.

Some common toxins include: cyanogenic glycosides, colchicine and anti-nutrients that interfere with the digestion and utilization of nutrients by animals, such as protease inhibitors, phytic acid, hemagglutinin, acid, phenol, glucosinolate. If eaten in excess, they will interfere with the body's absorption of nutrients, and may even lead to poisoning. Cooking vegetables can help us get rid of those toxins.

Therefore, when using 1 of the 7 vegetables below, you should only eat them when they are thoroughly cooked.

1. Legumes

Picture 1 of Top 7 vegetables that are not cooked well but eaten raw will make the body poisoned

Eating these beans raw can cause poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, etc.

Soybeans, kidney beans, red kidney beans, white beans and other legumes are high in hemagglutinin.

Eating these beans raw can cause poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in the short term. If you eat a large amount of raw beans, they can easily cause hemolytic anemia.

2. Starchy tubers

Lotus root, yams, sweet potato, taro, potato, shiitake root. also contain anti-nutrients. In addition, these tubers are not cooked, they will be gelatinized, the human body can not digest and absorb them, if eaten in excess can cause gastrointestinal upset.

3. Cassava and bamboo shoots

These 2 types of tubers both contain cyanogenic glycosides, eaten raw can cause cyanide poisoning, causing narrowing of the throat, nausea and vomiting, headache, severe can be death. Therefore, remember to cook it thoroughly before eating.

4. Bright yellow lily

Picture 2 of Top 7 vegetables that are not cooked well but eaten raw will make the body poisoned

Fresh yellow lily needs to be completely heated before eating, otherwise it can cause poisoning.

Fresh yellow lily contains colchicine, which after being oxidized in the body will cause digestive upset.

5. Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, collard greens, cabbage, white radish. belong to the cruciferous family and contain substances that cause goiter, so it will hinder the body's absorption of iodine.

If we eat shredded cabbage or grated white radish in hot pot sauce in some Japanese dishes, it's a small amount so it won't affect health after eating. However, if you eat too much of the goiter-causing substances in them, it can work and even cause goiter.

6. Mushrooms

Some literature indicates that mushrooms contain adenosine, and eating more than 70g of raw mushrooms can cause abnormal platelet function.

As for the enoki mushroom, the Agricultural Council of China states that it can be eaten raw, but since the mushroom can be contaminated with dust in the growing and picking environment, it is best to cook it before eating to ensure it is safe to eat. food safety.

7. Ginkgo

Picture 3 of Top 7 vegetables that are not cooked well but eaten raw will make the body poisoned

Ginkgo contains ginkgo toxins and needs to be cooked before eating.

The main toxic component of ginkgo is 4-O-methylpyridoxine , known as ginkgo toxin, which is an antagonist of vitamin B6, which can cause vomiting, paroxysmal cramps, nerve paralysis, and other symptoms. serious, fatal disease. It must be cooked before eating, and it is best not to eat too much, only about 10 seeds.

Update 05 November 2021



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